Chapter 7

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Severine heard a knocking on the door and paused his movie to go answer it slightly annoyed, the movie had just gotten to the best part. His annoyance vanished when he opened the door and heard the now familiar welcoming.

"Hey girl, hey!"

He rolled his eyes, "Honestly Nora one of these days I'm going to get you to say hi to me normally."

"Oh shut it. You love it and you know it," she responded.

He laughed, he honestly did but he would never admit it to her, "Did you forget something this morning?"

"Nope I'm here on a mission. Two actually, but I'm only going to tell you what one of them is," she said with a wink.

"Very helpful of you," he mumbled.

"What was that?" she asked, giving him a playful glare.

"Nothing. What's your mission?"

"The gentleman I almost ran into last night came back today," she started, then stopped suddenly, like she'd just remembered something else. He saw her shudder a little and became instantly alert.

"Did he try to do something to you?" he asked in an almost deadly quiet tone. If he had done anything to Nora he didn't care if he was new in town, he would go get Marcus and they would find him now.

"What? Oh, no. No! He didn't. He called me sweetie and it creeped me out is all. Anyway he wanted me to thank you for the great service you gave him last night," she said in a rush and looked away.

"Okay," he said slowly, "that was really all? Just calling you sweetie and asking to give me the message?" He hoped his tone of voice showed her he wanted her to trust him enough to tell him anything.

"Yeah that was it I promise. It just gave me an uneasy feeling. I don't know why but I'm sure it's nothing. He also wanted to know when you work, but I didn't tell him because that's dumb and against rules..." she trailed off, "You okay?"

"Yeah fine. Do you remember if you called me Severine before you left work last night? After you almost ran into that guy?" he asked.

He watched her think for a minute and tried not to laugh. When she thought really hard her brows knitted together and she got a slightly confused look on her face.

"Not that I remember. I remember calling you Sev but that was before he got there. Why?"

"No reason. I was just curious," he said. He felt bad lying to her but he was starting to get an odd feeling about this situation and didn't want to worry her for no reason.

Thankfully she just said okay and let it go. She told him she was going to head home since she had accomplished both her missions and he laughed. He asked if she wanted him to walk her out to her car, she rolled her eyes and told him she was a big girl. He watched from the balcony instead. She really didn't tell him what her second mission was but he could guess. After she pulled away from the apartment he grabbed his phone and messaged Marcus.

To the Smelly Boy Apartment It Is! (Story 2 of Sev & M)Where stories live. Discover now