☆ For Me ☆

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I thought I'll update today but I'm really not feeling so well to write today, something happened. I'm sorry for that. 😔😔

I don't want to leave without posting anything, so this is a poetry of mine, I'm sharing this with you.

Night Knows Everything 🌟

Night, the dark beauty
Comes at the end of the day,
It's filled with secrets
The night is enormous
Like my pain. 💔

The sleepless night knows everything
How many tears fell from my eyes!
At that very moment there is
no one to embrace me,
The night embrace me.🌖

Everyone is sleeping peacefully
There is no sleep in my eyes.
Again it's a sleepless night,
Often seems I've lost my way
As desparation stirs inside.

Everything is dark no hope
The pain , the scar which is
already so deep
Won't be heal.
The pillow is most loyal,
to hide my tears. 💦

Everything seems so fake,
Anyone who does not understands,
The pain only understands the night.
I know that I can't show
the sight of me to the world,
Cause I'm afraid to live again. 🥀

She weeps at night
And wipes her tears,
No one knows,
About the hurt she bears.
Night keeps my all secrets
My weeps passes away quietly,
In the silent Night.
No way is there,
In the endless night. 🌒

The sleepless night knows everything.🌟

- I.Aaka

Tell me how is it, and I'll update soon. Stay tuned😊😊

Thanks for supporting 🌹

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