Fun ♡

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Surprise!!!! 🤩🤩
Let's start reading 😅😆😁

Taehyung's POV

We went to our dorm to get ready. Members got fresh and changed their clothes, same goes to me.

After changing

" Wow, you look so good hyung " I told to jin

" Obviously, I'm world wide handsome you know " Jin flew the kiss to us.

Jhope and jimin fake pucked which we were all laughing at their childishness.

"Where is Jungkook? " Jhope asked

" Oh he is getting ready " Jimin replied

" Aish, this boy takes so much time " All laughed at Jhope's comment

" Ok we are going by two cars, Taehyung already brought his car here so that's one and Jungkook's car " Namjoon suggested

" That's great " Suga told.

Jungkook came out from his room

" Wow, you look so handsome " Jimin told

Jungkook shyly smiled

" Oh, I'm coming within a minute, just wait for me " Jungkook hurriedly told and left out with his car alone

" Where are this boy going now " Namjoon sighed

15 minutes later

" Jungkook came, he is in his car. We should head out" Jimin informed as after talking with Jungkook on call

" Ok then, let's go" I told

Jin, Namjoon, suga and me are going by my car and Jungkook, Jimin and Jhope are going by Jungkook's car.

Almost after 30 minutes of journey we reached at my house.

* I guess Aaka is already ready * I thought

We left the car, I was in fornt of the gate others were following me.

I ringed the bell, after 3 seconds the door opened reavelling Aaka

Aaka's POV

I was impatiently waiting for them, suddenly the door bell ringed

" It's them" I told and opened the door reavelling my husband AKA Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin, Suga, Jhope, Jimin and Jungkook. They were smiling at me. I smiled back

" Hello, welcome " I greeted them, they came inside

" Thanks for inviting us " Namjoon formally said

I slightly bowed and smiled

They were all looking so handsome in casual clothes. I'm just thinking after noticing their clothes if the color code of their outfit was blck and white! .

Everyone greeted me with a warm smile, I greeted back.

At last it's time when Jungkook is greeting me, he was standing behind.

Jungkook came towards me and handed me a bouquet of Red Roses saying

" Happy Rose Day " With a generous smile

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