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At evening~

Aaka's POV

I was waiting for him to come home. It's quite late but he is not home yet. I cooked fried rice and some chicken dishes. Yes I can cook so well. I know that he loves meat so I made some of.

It's 8pm, the dinner time. I'm starving for dinner. I drank some water and sat on the couch holding phone in my hand. I thought of calling him, I pressed dial button then I remembered that I don't have his number. Stupid me, how I'm just a fool that not exchanging my number with him I face palmed.

The door opened, the sound of the door made me a bit jump cause I was so lost in my thoughts. Taehyung entered the house with a pale face like he is so tired of the full day. I slowly approached him "Welcome" He didn't reply and sat on the couch. I gave him a glass of water. After some minutes he drank it.

"How was your day" I approached, he looked at me with an unreadable face and said "good". " Go and change, dinner is ready" I said

He stood up and made his way to upstairs then look at my direction and said "I'm full" Then went up

I was standing like a stupid looking at him " He is full!? Did he ate at outside or he has no appetite to eat? " I asked to myself and went to kitchen to serve our foods.

After 15 mins he came down wearing his comfortable t-shirt and pant.

" Come, it's ready " I placed it on the table.

" I'm full, I told you " He said

" Really? You doesn't look like, you will hungry at midnight, come on" I told

" I'm really full and you don't have to think about me" He told and sat on the couch rubbing his temple. He looks like as his is stressed of work.

I really felt bad then understand his situation, that he is stressed. It's awkward to eat my own cooking food alone. I took some food on my plate and eat them and put the rest of it for tomorrow in the fridge. I made alot because you know chicken, everyone wants more to eat it, so yeah.

I sat on the couch then he stood up and said " I'm going to sleep "

" Um I'm not going to there, as my university is starting from tomorrow, I've some assignments to done" I said biting my lips in nervousness.

He listened to me and said " Do whatever" And went up.

I know he feels awkward to sleep with me and I don't want he feels awkward for me so I thought to spend my night here and I'm staying here mostly for my works which I have to done. I just can't disturb him for my work.

I did my work till I'm feeling so sleepy, I have to wake up at 7 in the morning. I decided to sleep in the couch tonight. I already brought a blanket so I wrapped up and slept closing my laptop and sheets.

At morning~

I woke up as sun rays coming in from the glasses of the window. I stretched and went upstairs to take shower. I sneakily opened the door that it doesn't make any sound. I saw he was sleeping so comfortably snuggling into the blanket.
"Cute" I murmured. Then I took my clothes from my wardrobe and went into the bathroom to take shower. I showered with warm water then put on my dress.

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