Tempted ♡

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Author's POV

Aaka is making ramen for Taehyung and her. Taehyung went to freshen up on the upstairs.

Aaka placed the ramen on the table and stared to eat as she was so hungry. Taehyung came down and dig in the ramen.

" This is my favorite sauce " Taehyung told, Aaka nodded.

" Are you excited for our comeback? " Taehyung asked

Aaka didn't answer. " Yah I'm asking you something, don't you understand? " Taehyung poked her hand.

Aaka lazily looked at him, Taehyung rose his eyebrows.

" And I'm ignoring you, don't you understand? " Aaka spat back and made a poker face.

" What-" Aaka cut his words

" Finish first"

Suddenly the bell ranged, Taehyung looked over Aaka, she went to open the door.

Aaka's POV

I opened the revealing Mr and Mrs Kim.

" Ah what a sudden visit mom and dad " Aaka hugged them, they hugged her back.

They came in " Please sit " I smiled

" Of course, you sit too " Mrs kim told

Taehyung came " Wah, a surprise visiting " He told and scratched his head.

" Yes, first these are your gifts " Mr Kim told

" Dad, gifts are not necessary " I told

" Take it as my love and affection for you " Dad smiled.

I went to the kitchen, bring tea for them.
Mr Kim was taking to Taehyung about there company.

I was talking with Mrs Kim about stuffs, my works.

Mr and Mrs Kim had no objection about my job they are very supportive about it. And I'm very happy for it.

" Aaka, we have a special request for you, will you keep it? " Mrs Kim told and hold my hand

" Of course, what is it? " I smiled

" See it's been long that you guys...are married... so my request is to have a grandchild " She spoke

I was paused, I had no idea what to say

" Mom, I understand your feelings but as we are in a stage of making our career so it's " I told

" Aaka, I know but me and Taehyung's dad really want to have a grandchild. It's not so tough "

I pressed my lips. * obviously not so tough* I mentally scoffed.

" Taehyung, Aaka we want a grandchild from you, as you guys are married for a long time " Mr Kim told

Taehyung choked on air.

* our marriage didn't even cross a year * I thought and rolled my eyes.

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