Frustrated ♡

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Aaka's Pov

I went to the balcony. I was chatting with Rits and scrolling social media. Suddenly I got a message from Jungkook.

To be honest, Jungkook is very good and he became a very good friend of mine, frank, funny and also serious.

I was normally chatting with Jungkook like how was our day, what's the evening plan blah blah.

Time skip>>


Mom served us some evening snacks and told me to call Taehyung. I went to my room to call him. I slightly opened the door and saw he was talking to someone on call while rubbing his eyes.

" Come in downstairs " I told and closed the door.

After a while he came down and I excused them.

" I'm coming " I told and went to upstairs with my bag.

Reaching there, I plopped on my bed.

" I missed you my lovely bed, I'm sorry I'm late to hug you " I mumbled while hugging the pillows and laying down on the bed.

" Wait" I shout suddenly as I remembered something important to do.

I grabbed my bag which I brought here and bring out those BTS Albums which I brought there.

" I'm putting my things back to it's place " I put them on the shelf. You know why I'm doing this.

" Aaka" Mom yelled

" Yes!! " I yelled back

" Come in downstairs " Mom called

" Coming~" I told

" Wah work done " I told to myself and went down.

" Taehyung is waiting for you, you should head out " Mom suggested

" I think so mom" I told, actually I don't want to go back. I missed my house my family.

After heading back he will start again.

I signed.
I noticed Taehyung was looking at me. I raised my one eyebrow at him and moved my gaze.

" Are you and hyung going noona? " Jong-soo asked and made puppy eyes.

" Yes Jong-soo, we will come again " I patted his head.

" Ok and hyung, next time we will have a huge battle field ok? " He asked snd giggled

" Of course buddy " Taehyung showed his boxy smile and ruffled Jong-soo 's hair.

" Okay mom, we are going now "

" Bye Mrs Lee and Mr Lee " Taehyung bade and we left.

We entered in the car and he started the engine.

" It was fun right? " Taehyung asked

" Yes, I met my family after two months " I smiled

" No I mean, it was fun to see your room " Taehyung smirked

My smiled dropped and I turned my face towards him.

" Well? "

" Um nothing, *sigh* you are so lucky that your dream came true " He told

I didn't say anything. I opened my phone and saw two missed calls from Rits.

" Why is she calling now " I mumbled and called her.

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