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Aaka's POV

I was eating then I got a call. It was from Rits.

(On call)

Hey Aaka (R) *she cheered happily*

Hey wassup (A)

Are you free right now? (R)

Why? (A)

Oh you are at your law's house! I know you are bu- (R)

No, I'm up (A) * I cut her words*

Oh ok, then come, we gonna do a small home party at my place (R) * she cheered*

Ohkk, I'm coming (A) * I chuckled*

(Call ended)

I was in a sad mood maybe partying with her make my mood better, so why not.. Let's get it, yehhhh!! 🥳 I cheered

I got ready, I wore a sleeveless silk top and a short pencil skirt, it looks nice on me.

I drove off at her place.

Taehyung's POV

I went to meet her. Jennie called me somewhere else to meet me. It was something a club. I wore my mask.
It was the VIP section where I need to go.

I entered the VIP section. I saw she was sitting with her friends, I don't know who were they, her bandmates weren't there. Whatever.

Loud music was beaming in the room. I went to her direction. She saw me and get up from her sit and walked towards me.

" Hi, umm why did you call me to meet here? " I asked

" Wait Tae, take a sit then we gonna discuss" Jennie said

I couldn't read her face. I didn't know if she was mad, sad or what..

I took a sit on a separate table, Jennie sat opposite my chair.

" Drink some" Jennie gave me a glass of cocktail.

I took it and smirk at Jennie.
I took a sip of it

" You forgot it today right " Jennie said sipping her drink

" Forgot what? " I asked

" Tae, we were about to go on a date today and you forgot it" She said

" No, it wasn't today, I mean we didn't decided the date as you weren't sure about your schedule " I told and took a sip from my drink

" What!! * chuckled* I told you Taehyung but you were so busy with your new life"
She said the last part gritting her teeth.

" Jennie, what are you saying? " I told

" New life right! ? " She said
I could see anger in her words.

" What new life? There isn't any new life" I sighed and rubbed my temple

" Of course, there is.. You went to spent the whole day with her, I was supposed to be there instead of Aaka, why Tae? " She said angrily

" Jennie it's no-" She cut my words

" Oh again any excuse, Tae do something, she posted so lovely pic of you too and yes I'm jealous of it.. " Jennie told

" Jennie listen to me first, I went to my parents house they invited us and about social media it's- " She cut my words again

" Your parents invited you both, but why not me, you like me, I like you too so what's the problem? Actually the problem was you never told your parents about us , if did then I was your wife not that Aaka " She said

" Why is this even my fault, it happened so early that I couldn't possessed anything " I said, her words making me so much angry

" Of course, if it's going on like this then this can't make any fruit between our relationship, and do you want that Tae, you don't pay attention on me" Jennie told

" What the hell are you saying, obviously I pay attention on you can't you see and it will work, I want to work in our relationship " I said

" Yes you do pay attention but on her that Aaka, posting love pictures, going out together being a lovely couple right!!! This way will make our relationship work!!??? Seriously " She made a poker face which made me so much mad

" Jennie I'm not here to listen complain " I told angrily

" Yess you think my mood will be good after knowing you are a lovely husband to her, seeing lovey dovy posts!!! " She yelled

" I'm not lovey dovy to her don't talk to me like this, get back your things together " I said and left the table and went to the drinks counter. I saw Jennie exited the club

I was so mad to her words, yes I like Jennie so I couldn't do much but I've to do something my temple is bursting out of anger. I ordered liquor and gulped down. I drank so much now I'm feeling tipsy. I was so mad that if I told her something out of anger then we would break up today and I don't want that.

I exited the VIP sec and the club wore a mask. I started my car, I've control on myself so I can drive in that state.


Author's note

Thank you so much for 5k reads🥰😭❤
I'm super happy😊🥳🥺
What do you think what will happen next?
Love you so much BUBBLES 🥺💖

Thank you so much for 5k reads🥰😭❤I'm super happy😊🥳🥺What do you think what will happen next? Love you so much BUBBLES 🥺💖

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