Hot summer ♡

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Aaka's POV

I kinda guessed that Taehyung was annoyed at something on the call. I didn't say anything. After 30 mins I prepared fruit juice for him.

And I already took shower

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And I already took shower

And I already took shower

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I wore this.

I put the juice glass and some cookies on a tray and went to his room with this.

The door was half open, it was hard for me to knock while holding the tray.

" I'm coming " I told and went in.

I didn't see him there so put the tray on the table, then I saw he was coming from the balcony while wiping his hair.

I realised that he just got out from shower. Our eyes met.

Tbh he was looking so hot. His wet bangs were falling on his eyes.

Just then he checked me top to toe. I bit my lips and somehow I felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

" Um your juice " I pointed it and about to left the room then he spoke.

" Why are you wearing so short clothes? "

I turned towards him and told

" It so hot today and what's the problem if I wear short clothes? " I told and fanned myself with my hands. It's actually so hot. I flipped my hair on the back.

" Eat up " I told and left the room.

Taehyung's POV

I noticed what Aaka wore. *She was looking so hot, and cute but the way she was talking is making her all over umm so sexy, wait! What I am thinking... * I thought.. Ughh, Aaka, you-

My eyes fell on the tray. I put the towel on the chair. Then started to eat them.

" This is what I want in this summer " I mumbled and smiled.

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