Return ♡

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The next day Aaka and Jungkook had a flight back to Seoul.

At the airport of Seoul, fans recognize Aaka but they didn't recognize Jungkook. They didn't get a glimpse of him. How? Jungkook is super clever😉

 How? Jungkook is super clever😉

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Aaka's airport outfit.

Aaka's POV

Jungkook comforted me that night, after that we had our special dinner which made my mood bright.

After reaching the airport I could not find Jungkook, but I tried to act normal in the crowd.

At the outside of the airport, our company sent cars for us. I went in which was reserved for me.

I got a message, I checked.

" I'm alright, don't find me there😂😂" (Jungkook)

"Ughh this boy " I mumbled

Driver started the car. After some minutes, we reached our house. The gate keeper helped to bring luggage. I was about to press the password but the door opened automatically, I was shocked by the sudden movement.

Opening the door I was welcomed by Mrs Kim with a bright smile on her face.

" Welcome dear " She hugged me. I saw Mr Kim there too.

" Mrs Kim! You-" She cut my words

" Ahe it's Mom Aaka, say mom" She told sweetly.

" Yes mom "

" We came here a week ago, and was a little surprise for you " Mr Kim told

" Thank you for this surprise mom and dad, I'm so happy " I smiled

" Go change your clothes, I prepared lunch " Mrs Kim told

While going upstairs I was thinking

* mom and dad are here for a week then if they got to know that we live separate!!!? * I thought and panicked

I twisted the door knob of my room, it didn't open. Is it locked? I twisted it again.

" Come in this room, it's locked " I heard a deep voice and recognized who was it.

I turned towards him, he gestured me to go to his room.

I went there without saying anything and waited for explanation.

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