Teased ♡

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Taehyung's POV

" Mrs, Lee I have to admit that you are truly a good cook" I told Mrs Lee

* oh that's why I think, how Aaka can cook so delicious foods * I thought

The dishes they arranged all are my favorites.

" Thank you dear, eat well " Mrs, Lee smiled

" Yes she is a good cook indeed but my daughter Aaka is also a good cook, I think you get to know that " Mr. Lee laughed

I laughed too.

" What are you saying that " Aaka told, I think she is embarrassed.

" How's your work going? " Mr Lee asked

" It's going alright, how about you Mr Lee"

" Oh it's fine too, Mr Kim and me work together in a partnership, so there is no problem " He smiled

" That's then" I smiled

" So as you are married now, how about to start a f-" Mrs Lee was saying something but Aaka cut her off

" M-mom I'm going to get the d-dessert, as we are end of eating " Aaka stuttered

" Yes dear " Mrs Lee told

Aaka was about to go but stop at her track.

" So how about to start-" Again Aaka cut her

" Jong-soo did you tell hyung about your first picnic at THAT place " Aaka told Jong-soo

Jong-soo immediately nodded " Oh hyung I'm so sorry I really forgot about it, so listen I never thought that it would turn like this.." He started to talk about his picnic, I gave him attention.

Author's POV

Aaka sighed in relief and eyed Mrs Lee to not tell anything.

She went to kitchen and got back with desserts.

She placed them on the table and on the other hand Taehyung and Jong-soo was giggling as they are talking. They enjoys each other competition.

This is the dessert

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This is the dessert.

" You made this right Mrs Lee? " Taehyung asked after having two bites.

Aaka widened my eyes as the spoon is still inside her mouth.

" Yes dear " Mrs Lee told

" I knew, it's so delicious, believe me " Taehyung complemented.

" This is my favorite hyung, mom makes this for me " Jong-soo told while licking the spoon.

Taehyung smiled at him

Aaka's POV

*I'm just wondering how Taehyung get to know that mom made this and look at him he is so lovely with my parents and my brother. But with me he is just cold.
He got to know my family because of me but he doesn't corporate with me. I'm jealous.* I thought, frowned and gritted my teeth on the spoon.

"Aaka, why are you eating your spoon you should eat dessert not spoon" Dad told and laughed

Everyone laughed including Taehyung too.

I realized what I was doing and immediately put back the spoon on the tray.

" I'm sorry " I told, I was irritate that Taehyung was laughing too.

After finishing, " Taehyung take some rest " My dad patted his shoulder.

I was passing by them so I heard.

" Oh come I'm showing you the guest room " I told and about to lead him towards the guest room but dad stopped me.

" Why would he sleep in the guest room while you have your own room! " Dad spoke.

" But dad-" Dad cut my words

" Bring him to your guest room " He ordered

I frowned and pouted. I don't want that he make that kind of comments again seeing my room. Yes I'm snd ARMY, so it's truly normal that having a room like this I forgot to change them before marriage. And yes this is the first time I came to my house, after 2months of marriage.

" Yeah, the bed is comfortable too " Taehyung smirked

Dad smiled and eyed me to get him in the room.

I eyes Taehyung and lead him in my room.

Entering my room he sat in my bed and put some pillow behind him, to rest his back and again eyed the room.

" Can you switch on the TV? " He asked

" No " I told

" Why? I heard that I'm your bias, won't you listen to your bias? " He smirked

I frowned " Don't look at me like that, you slept in my room for two months, just listen to me now " Taehyung said abruptly

I switch on the TV and said
" You should have rest in the guest room " I told

" Obviously no and you are just being so rude at me because you are at your house!! That's why I think you wouldn't have any dare to talk to your bias AKA me Kim Taehyung " He told and glared at me.

" Unbelievable " I murmured and left the room.

I went in the downstairs, " Jong-soo is sleeping" Mom told

" Oh ok, but I've your suggestions mom, dad"

" Go ahead " Dad told

" Um in most day I'm alone in the house, as I'm not attending university in regular basis so I'm just jjobless and bored as hell, so I'm thinking what to do " I pouted

" Oh about this I can suggest you something " Mom told

" What is it? "

" You can join a fashion agency and about you, you are pretty good at it " She suggested

" Wow, nice idea " I spoke

" If you want to do it, I'm in a very good relationship with a modeling agency then I'll talk to them about you " Dad told

" Wow great, just do it dad, I think I can do modeling and it's pretty impressive " I told in excitement

" And the agency is very famous, it's not a small agency " Dad told

" Just talk to them, I want to join as soon as possible, I'm so bored "

" Ok I'll let you know about the interviews " Dad told

" I love you dad thank you so much " I hugged mom and dad they smiled at me .
[Read below A/N]


Author's note

I had to break the chapter into two parts. 😭
Thank you so much for 20k reads 💖😭
I'm so happy BUBBLES 🥺😍

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