c h a p t e r 41 💫

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My daughter has just fainted

After she punched me in the face

While in a rage

And yelling at me because I left when she was little

And it's only 10.15 in the morning.

So now me and my two oldest sons are speeding to get to the warehouse because there is a hospital there, with my unconscious daughter in the backseat of her brothers arms

Did I mention she passed out after punching me in the face

There are so many reasons why she might have passed out. She could just be over tried because she hasn't slept in I don't know how long, it could be because she isn't eating probably, it could be because she ran out of air from yelling at me and punching the wall like it's the last thing she would ever do, it could just be because stress from everything and anything or she could have some medical issues that I don't know about.

I'm stressed.

But finally after that stupid old man that couldn't have been driving any slower if he wanted to, we finally get to the warehouse.

As soon as we step in one of the nurse quickly rushes over to us and we tell her she fainted and to check her hand and she nods before putting her on a bed and taking her into the room. So now we just have to wait. And then after about an hour our family doctor comes out.

"Are you guys here for Jordan King?" he asks us but I'm guessing he already knows but its just trying to do her job

"Yes, yes we are. How is she?" I quickly rush out and he sighs before speaking

"Ok so she fainted because she is exhausted and has been over working herself and as for her left hand we check on it and it is broken but because it has been broken many times in the past we had to do a surgery to get the bone back in place and fix all the other problems, but the right one is fine just a few bruises and cuts should be sore for a few days until the bruising goes down" he tells us while reading it off his little clipboard thingy.

"Wait what do you mean other brakes?" Marco asks him and he sighs before nodding

"Uh yes, well from the looks of it she has broken her left hand at least 4 times. We checked over other hospital records and it said nothing. So that means that she either came into the hospital and just didn't give her name or she didn't come in at all and she dealt with it by herself. But because we had to look at her records and we saw that previse doctors thought it was a domestic violence case, chances are she would have just dealt with it herself and taken pain killers for it, therefor leading to her having to have surgery to fix the bones" he explains to us and I can see he is trying to use the most non-doctor words because if he used his fancy words I would be completely lost. 

"Oh ok, uh is she awake?" Jai asks him, but now the docs face brakes out into a smile

"Yes she is awake, but because of the surgery and her arm we had to give her painkillers so she is pretty dosed up at the moment" he tells us and when he does a smile comes to my face.

"Can we see her?" I ask him and he nods

"Yep follow me, but chances are when you go in she is going to be ranting about anything and not making sense. Its also possible that her mood will change in a spilt second" he tells us while walking down a number of halls and then finally we get to room 211.

And when we walk in she is definitely out of it. 

"Oh my god, dad I'm so sorry I hit you. Well kind of, not really, you deserved it" she yells when she sees us

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