c h a p t e r 20 💫

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Jayden's POV:

I have been up all night with Marco trying to find Conner's brother, because whether Jordan wants me to or not I am going to find him and I will hurt him. At about 2.30 Marco fell asleep on the couch in my office so I woke him up and told him to go to bed. And then finally I find it. At about 3.15 I get the documents with all Conner's family history. But to be honest I don't care about his mum or dad or cousins and grandparents. I care about his brother. And I couldn't be happier when I see that he only had one sibling, an older brother.

Name: Daniel
Last Name: Foster
Age: 50
Hair colour: Dirty blonde
Eye colour: Dark brown
Job: In a servo, on southside. Possible drug activities
Family history: Mr foster was married once to a lady 4 years ago, Rose Fox. But the marriage ended when she filed for a divorce after a domestic violence attack against her biological daughter and and Mr Fosters step daughter, Ava-Leigh. This attack landed Ms Fox in hospital for 6 weeks in a coma as well as other injury's to her body. Miss Ava-Leigh was also placed in temporary foster care, she to suffered many injury's. Miss Ava-Leigh had many broken bones and bruises and because of a brake Mr Foster caused on her left ankle and left leg, she had to have a major surgery then causing her to attended physical therapy for a total of 10 mouths and 17 days so she would be able to walk again. Before attending physical therapy her doctors said it would be almost impossible to get feeling back into her left leg and that she would have to stop playing football. At the time of this horrible attack Mr Foster was 46 years of age, Ms Fox was 39 years of age and Miss Ava-Leigh was 13 years of age. Before and after his marriage with Ms Fox it was known that Mr Foster also had an off again on again relationship with a lady Taliah Bells, she as well had a daughter Jordan Raelynn and then years later Ms Bells had another child but with a different man, Calia Blu. When Mr Foster heard the news that Ms bells had another child he was thrilled because he thought the baby was his but when he was to find out that this child was not his, he went into a rage. There was a report for a young female, being Jordan Raelynn who was admitted into a hospital with many many injury's similar to Ms Fox and Miss Ava-Leighs. Ms Bells however had a few injury's but no severe ones, no broken bones, or head injury's just a few bruises.

When I was done reading that I was anything but impressed. Not only did this scumbag wreak one family's life and almost made it so a 13 year old girl couldn't walk but then he almost killed her mum, THEN he put MY daughter into a hospital. I'm going to kill him. I was going to anyway but I was going to make it a little bit quick, one beating then death but no, now he will feel pain. He will feel some much pain he is going to wish he was dead. I will not kill him, he will die because of old age or a heart attack. A normal way. I'm just going to have my fun with him before he dies, maybe then he will know what it would have been like for Jordan all those years.

Then once I've calmed down I start calling my men and tell them the hospitals she was admitted to over the years and that I wanted the reports. I also asked for any police records, but at the moment I just want the hospital ones. When I reported Jordan missing when she ran I was informed that there where many times she was put into a hospital for injury's. Sometimes that would be from a fight she was involved in, other times she wouldn't say or that she couldn't remember. The best part is not only did the hospital report it to docs but they said that they couldn't do anything because she never said what happened. That was 100% bullshit, they could of still looked into the case but no they didn't. They just left it. Dickheads. Not even 30 minutes on of my men Heath, knocked and came into my office with at least 4 different files but he told me that they hadn't got any police records yet.

File 1- Jordan Bells, 8 years of age.

Jordan Bells, admitted into the Westfield hospital from report of a school teacher. Possible abuse at home. When asking about abuse she said everything was fine. When trying to take a blood test she got very angry and started being violent. After treatment she had a concussion she got from a little disagreement at school, as well as a black eye.

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