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Marco's POV:

"Blake would you shut the fuck up, so we can find her without getting caught" I hiss at Blake who wont shut up about god knows what, I'm not really paying any attention.

We have been waiting for this very moment for almost 2 months and I couldn't be more ready then what I am right now. You can tell how ready everyone is for this, even on the drive here it was so tense in the car, you could cut the air with a knife. Every one is bursting at the seems of the thought of getting Jordan back, but dad defiantly more then the rest of us. The only slight problem is we don't know what she has been told, and we don't know everything that has happened to her. Obviously we got that horrid video but that's all we really know about her time here, and about what they have told her; it wouldn't surprise me if they dogged us about the mafia but I have no clue how we are going to deal with that situation.

If Tony did tell her about our mafia chances are he would have told her about his mafia just to cause fear in her, and it also wouldn't surprise me if they told Jordan about Ash and the Portuguese mafia just to confuse her even more. We don't have a problem with the Portuguese mafia, he have a really tight alliance with them and have for years, but we also know the tells about that mafia. That the leader was a right tool and beat his kids, all three of them and was jus an ass to them but mainly his only daughter Cori, and his youngest boy. Ashton.

We clearly don't know how bad it really was for those kids, but considering the one behind the hits was a mafia leader; it had surly been pretty bad. We also know how Jackson, the first born isn't going to be taking over the mafia and Cori doesn't want to so it falls to Ash, and I do believe he will be taking over.

But we aren't worried about that right now, Blake and I are walking down a dark hall way that has the smell of blood and god knows what else. And for the very little light that there is we can see doors on either side of us and on the floor that is red drops everywhere, probably blood.

We have checked a few doors and most of them a empty, some have guns and stuff like that but for the most part they are empty. We open the next door in the line and at first glance it looks empty, but in the middle of the room there is a chair, and just as we turn around to leave we hear someone groan. So I look over at Blake and he looks at me before grabbing a touch and turning it on and shining it in the room.

We move the touch around and at first we cant see anything and then he shines in one of the far corners of the room, and then when we can see it.

Someone curled up in the corner, whimpering very softly. So we walk over making sure to watch our step and carefully so we don't scare the person anymore then they already are. As we get closer we realize from the state of the person they are about to pass out and are going in and out of conscious. And then Blake shines the touch again.


When I realize its Jordan I drop my gun and run over to her.

She is in a horrid state, she has blood all over bruises covering most of her body, she has dirt all over her, cuts on her, she is stripped down to her underwear and has lost weight. She looks awful.

When I lean down to pick her up I take my shirt off and put it on her to cover her up and she whimpers and then as I pick her up she whimpers again and tries to move from my hold.

"No, fuck off!" she whispers with her eyes still sealed shut, and when she speaks her voice is very hoarse and sounds almost a bit deeper, you know when you first wake up in the morning and your voice is off; that's what hers sounds like now. Probably from whatever happened to her and not getting food and water.

"Hey you're ok, it's me, Marco" I whisper to her while stroking her hair and she doesn't say anything, she just goes limp

"Blake hurry up, she pasted out. Lets go now" I rush out to him while running past him out the door.

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