c h a p t e r 15 💫

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What the fuck.

What is that?

I think to myself as I try rolling over and stretching but I cant as I feel something around my waist. So I try and sit up to find an arm around my waist holding me down. So I freak out a bit but either way I look over my shoulder to see a guy next to me with his head on my pillow with my hair over his face. But before I can panic even more I finally manage to roll over and see that its just Marco, so I relax straight away as I take in his sleepy state. He looks so almost sweet when he's asleep, he doesn't have that normal scary 'don't fuck with me' look like he usually has with people. Now that I am really looking at him I can see the indents from his dimples, I always knew he had dimples but I never really payed attention to them. That's another we have in common, me and him both have dimples on both sides where as the others have just one. As I am studding his face his eyes pop open and he smiles at me making his dimples pop.

"Morning bambina" he says to me with his morning voice, its not a lot different from his normal voice its just deeper. 

"Morning" I say back with a smile

"Are you having fun studying my face?" he ask me again making his dimples pop. Again.

So I reach over and poke both dimples making his smile grow. That was something I used to do when I was younger before I realized what dimples were or that I had them. I used to find it so interesting and almost strange that my brother had two holes in the side of his cheeks that would appear when he would smile laugh and talk. Later to find out that I had them and all the other kids. Even dad. But for some reason I was only fascinated with his ones. Strange I know.

"Come on missy, we should go down and get something to eat. Plus I think dad wants to talk to you" he says to me and I just nod my head and roll out of bed before walking down stairs to see everyone already in the kitchen making coffee or getting something to eat.

"AHH JJ" Callie screams as she runs over to me

"I missed you so much" I whisper in her ear as I pick her up and he puts her head in the crook of my neck.

"I missed you to" she tells me

"Ok have you had breakfast" I ask her keeping her on my hip

"No not yet, I was just coming to get something"

"Ok what do you want" I ask as everyone just sits back and watches us

"blueberries and strawberries" she says with a little giggle at the end. I swear that's all this kid eats. So I nod my head, make my way over to the fridge get out the fruit and start cutting it up with Callie still sitting on my hip. Once its cut and I put it in a bowl stand her back down kissing her head and handing her the bowl and she goes over to the table and sits there and eats.

"How do you do that?" Ace asks me in shock

"Do what" I ask him as I start wiping the dishes I just used

"Make Callie food with her on you hip. Isn't that hard?" he asks while the others just look at me in complete shock.

"Um no. Not really, it was a bit when I was younger and she was a baby but now its easy." I tell them with a little chuckle at the end and they all just look at me like i'm nuts.

"Jordan come and have a seat I would like to talk to you" dad says and I nod my head and sit down

"Ok I understand why you left the other day, but that doesn't mean I like it. With you skipping school I am going to leave that be as well seeing as you had your reasons. But one of the things I wanted to talk to you about was you going back over to southside"

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