c h a p t e r 52 💫

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"Uh Jordan is everything ok?" he asks me and I just stand there in shock at the sight of what is in front of me.

"Uh...um yep. Just need a shirt" I say to him as I put a hand over my eyes and try to walk where his closet is and when I can't see anything I grab a shirt and rush out the door with looking back

"Uh sorry for interrupting, carry on I guess" I say to him while looking up for a second at my older brother and another boy in his bed that I have never seen before

"Jor wai-" Jai tries to say but I shake my head and quickly leave his room and go back to my own where I see Ash sitting on the bed, so I smile at him and give him the shirt and he says thanks back to me as he puts it on.

"So um as much as I would like for you to stay I saw my dad walking downstairs and if he sees you he is going to be really mad" I say to Ash, which is a lie but he needs to go but I don't want him to stay but he cant

"Oh ok, well I can just go do the window, but I will see you tomorrow, yeah?" he asks me and I smile and nod at him while leaning leaning up and kissing his lips and he kisses me back before we brake apart and he goes over to the window and climbs down. When he gets to the ground he looks back up at me and I blow him a kiss and he does it back.

When I know he has left I got back to my bed and lay down and just think about this morning with Jai.

Is Jai gay?

Maybe bi?

Who was that boy?

Are they dating or just messing around?

If they are dating, I don't blame Jai for having the hots for because he was cute, definitely a heartbreaker. He also has that innocent look in his eyes that makes him look sweet and nice, I can already tell I'm going to like him, whoever he is.

Does dad or anyone else know?

I don't have a problem with him being gay or bi or anyone for that matter, I just see it as its none of my business who people choose to do what with, unless its hurting someone else. So if Jai is gay if doesn't bother me I just wonder if he has told anyone, but what I do know is, if he hasn't said anything I'm not going to be the one to come out to tell people when its not about me, its about Jai. 

Even though I pissed off to the max with dad and everyone else in our never ending family, this is something I could never be mad about and I will always support Jai with whatever he wants to do or whoever he wants to be with, and if anyone and I mean fucking anyone says otherwise I will happily put a bullet between their eyes. I think its ok if people don't understand and maybe not like it or whatever but there is a difference about not liking or supporting it and making bitchy comments about it to people, and that's what I don't like. I don't really understand why you wouldn't like it or support it because I have always seen it as if it doesn't affect you you have no reason to be mad about it or involved, you know?

But maybe that's just me.

But either way no matter what I will support him with this even though I'm really mad at everyone at the moment.

After laying in bed for about an hour I get up and get my phone before going downstairs to get something to eat. When I get down the stairs and walk past the living room where some of the boys and Callie were I go into the kitchen and see it empty expect for Jai, who is sitting at the counter just looking down. Not eating, not on his phone, just sitting there doing nothing. 

I don't say anything I just walk over to the fridge and grab some fruit and pour a glass of water before sitting at the table and going onto my phone. 

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