c h a p t e r 17 💫

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I did put a little thing in the last chapter but if you didn't see it then just read this part and you will understand what this chapter is about. 

This page, isn't so much a chapter it more explains the things Jordan had to live through and deal with when she was with her mum, it explains Callie's birth and such seeing as Callie wasn't born yet when Taliah and Jayden split and it shows what made Jordan change from the sweet little girl to the bad and tough girl.

Even though its not a real chapter I guess, I still think you should read it, you don't have to but thing might make more sense later on in the story if you read this part. Again you don't have to but I would.

I think I will post another chapter after this one, a real chapter that's back in with where we left off last time, but I'm not sure. I did proof read this one but there are probably still many mistakes. 

If you wanted to know how I pictured Bluey he is at the end of the chapter. I didn't do a character aesthetic for him but I can if you want me to.

But either way enjoy, much love 

Amelia xox


When Jordan was 8 her mother and father went to court because her mother wanted custody. But that wasn't the deal. Jayden had made a deal with his ex wife that he would get all the children and she would get a large pay-out. Which she agreed to. But when Taliah found out that if Jayden got all the kids he would also get some money and she would have to pay him for the children she wasn't having it. But it was to late they had already been to court for the boys, but not for Jordan. Another problem was Tailah didn't want Jordan she wanted Blake and Xander but Jayden already had full custody so she had to take what she could get, that being said she started fighting for Jordan.

After Taliah got custody of Jordan it wasn't long before she was drinking and doing drugs that over time led them to be kicked out of there house. When Jordan and her mum moved houses and ended up in southside that's when the boyfriends and abuse started coming into their home as well as her mum not feeding her. When Jordan moved houses she clearly had to go to a different school being the local public school in southside then the trouble started. She would get beaten every day by her mum, her mums boyfriends, and sometimes even there druggie friends she figured it was normal because sometimes her mum had smacked her and her brothers before, so when she went to school if someone upset her or made her angry she would do what her mum did. She would hit them. Over time the fighting at school started getting worse and worse then before you know it she was fighting it school as well as smart mouthing teachers leading her to get suspended for time.

a year later: (Jordan's 9th birthday)

So its been a year since Taliah got full custody of Jordan and its starting to show. Taliah is a full blow drug addict as well as drinker and Jordan as lost so much weight and now gets one piece of bread every 4 days. It has also been a year since Jordan last saw her family and she hates being away from them, but surely today she will see them I mean its her birthday.

How wrong she was.

So Jordan woke up early and quickly got ready and left the house to go to school where she got in another fight like most days. I already know what is going to happen when I get home because I got into yet another fight so instead I figured why not go to the park and hope that when I get back they will be passed out and wont even notice. And more to the point its my birthday and i should be able to go to the park after school if I want. And when being there I find another girl sitting on the swings by herself so I go over and talk to her. After I don't know how long I end up leaving the park with another friend, her name being Madlyn and I know that she has and older sister named Dakota who is 16 her dad is in jail and her mum is always working. Anyway Jordan and Madlyn said bye to each other and she made her way home just as it was getting dark think her mother and boyfriend would be passed out but when I got home she was passed out and she was not happy. That was the worst beating I have ever gotten, it was her and her before ben and his friends there where three friends. But they really got down to it after my mum had passed out and it was just me and the four guys. That was the day they stole my innocents and fully broke me, that was the day I lost all hope but what really made me go off the rails when I didn't get a phone call for my dad. Its like a switch went off in my head and I became bad Jordan not sweet Jordan.

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