chapter 7

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Kat's POV

It has been two hours since the doctor told me Alec was the one I hit.

My mind has been a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. I thought I was done with him the night I left his house. I thought I was done with him when I burned all the love notes he gave me over the course of junior year. I thought, I really thought I never had to see the one thing who broke my heart in a million pieces on the ground. He betrayed every promise he said. The fact that he didn't try to save us, nor chase after me was unbearable. Alec let me cry until no tears were left. I felt so broke and abandoned. I thought he was different. Yet he was just like the others.

My parents signed the necessary papers for me to leave. Someone came to lecture me on the road safety's and how to keep yourself safe ... blah blah blah. I tuned them out with occasional nods , so they would believe I was actually paying attention. Fooled them ha. My mind was somewhere else, I couldn't pay attention even if I tried. However boring monotone voices sounds interesting to listen to.. not.

Mom and dad were still constantly frantic about my actions. I groaned and scolded them so much they're going to be the ones in the hospital next by the end of the day..

I can't wrap my head around the whole thing. Why'd it have to be him? I know I need to go apologize and see how he is but... I haven't spoke to him since the end of junior year.

Currently I am sitting in the lobby of the hospital waiting for my parents. Casey sits beside me silently playing a game on her iPod. They are speaking to a nurse with frantic expressions, the nurse however seems annoyed. Over the course of the late morning and early afternoon, they have asked too many questions over things she has discussed a hundred times. I have never seen my parents too terribly annoying till now.. I feel bad for the nurse.

Sooner or later the nurse walks away. I laugh at the sight of my parents expressions. They look at each other exasperated and keep looking towards the direction she left. I see them visibly sigh and walk towards me and Casey.

Nerves start to build up. I know what I have to do , and I am not excited. I start to bite on my bottom lip nervously.

"Let's go home kid." My dad says with a tired smile.

That smile won't stay for much longer.

"Umm dad. I'm not going home just yet."

Confusion spread onto their features.

"I am going to visit Alec."

like I said, their smiles soon turned into a frown. My parents started to say something, but I raised my hand.

"I love you both, I'm not asking for permission. The decency I can do is apologize and see how he is doing. Please understand." As I wait for their response, my eyes look up at them pleadingly.

Looks are exchanged between them, something very familiar I've seen today, as if they are communicating.

"Okay." They finally say I'm unison.

While smiling, I stand up to give them hugs. I whisper in their ear how much I love them and appreciate their support.

I turn to Casey and motion her to jump up and give me a hug.

"I love you sis."

"I love you more Kat." she whispers in my ear, squeezing harder into the hug.

I appreciate my sister so much. She is the most caring person I know. Casey can say the simplest things, and it mean more than a thousand words.

We let go of our embrace, I rub her hair and look in her eyes. Casey smiles up at me.

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