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Click, click, click.
The infuriating clicking of pen surrounded the room. Everyone looked at Yoongi with weird gazes but Yoongi was too immersed in his thoughts to even notice how the sound seem to displease everyone.

It's been two weeks since Yoongi moved out of Jimin's house. After coming back to his own house he starting coming to the office but most of the time his mind would be busy thinking about Jimin, just like now.

In those two weeks they have been on two dates. For their very first date Yoongi took Jimin to the movies, but halfway through the movie they received a call from Taehyung saying that Haru wouldn't stop crying so they have to come back.

On the second date Yoongi decided to go for a indoor date, he prepared all the food by himself and brought it to Jimin's house. For the menu Yoongi decided to go with Jimin's favourite bibimbap, mushroom bulgogi and japche. But even that didn't go as planned.

Just as Jimin took the first bite of mushroom bulgogi he started feeling nauseous, turns out he became allergic to mushrooms after giving birth to Haru.
But Yoongi is a firm believer of 'third time is the charm'.

So, right now he's desperately trying to finish the last article for the day before he could go to his third date with Jimin. Today is really a special and nerve-wracking day for him.

" Hyung, you should go I'll do the rest." Jungkook has been trying his best to help the older for the past hour but he's just too persistent.
" Just few more lines and I'm done." Yoongi sighs, driving his focus back to the target. He really need to complete it so he can finally go to his date.

" Yoongi hyung !" Another interruption... Yoongi bangs his hands on the table and stands up in irritation.
" Taehyung ?" He eyes as the said male made his way towards Jungkook and just engulf him in a big hug, leaving his mouth wide opened. Jungkook and Taehyung may or may not have forgot to tell their friends about their relationship.

" What're you doing here ?" Taehyung links his arms with Jungkook and walks towards Yoongi, greeting him with his usual warm smile.
" I'm here to meet my boyfriend." He looks into Jungkook's eyes, putting an extra emphasis on the word 'boyfriends'.

Well, that was a lot for Yoongi to take in. He and Jimin have known and liked each other's for years but still Taehyung and Jungkook were the one to step into the relationship stage first.

" I- wow." He slumps down back on his chair, his brain need some time to progress this newly found information.
" You're fast." That's the only thing he was able to say.

" Yeah, thanks to you."
" Me ?" Yoongi points towards himself. He don't remember doing anything in particular for the things to have ended that way.

Taehyung sniggered before continuing with what he was saying.
" Yeah seeing how pitiful Jimin and you were crushing on each other, I thought I'd just shoot my shot while I still have the chance."
" You brat." Yoongi leaps to catch him. He's only seeing red right now. If he just lay his hands on Taehyung right now he'll make it sure that the younger wouldn't be able to smile after today.

Taehyung uses Jungkook as his shield, making it sure to make a teasing face at Yoongi at his every futile attempt to lay his hands on him.

" Both of you stop." Jungkook shouts at the top of his throat gaining everyone's attention in the office to him.
" Please you're my hyungs, atleast act like your age." Jungkook face palms himself, how did Jimin even managed to withstand these two.

Yoongi felt embarassed at his childish behaviour, he shouldn't behave like that when he's a father of a child. Keeping that in mind he somehow calms himself and sit back on his chair. He'll forgive Taehyung and just think of that as a slip of his tongue.

Jungkook nudges Taehyung forward, glaring draggers with his eyes to make the older apologize to Yoongi.
" I'm sorry hyung. That was a bad joke." He takes the nearby chair and place it near to Yoongi's.
" It's okay, I overreacted." Yoongi places the pen down. His momentum is all ruined and now he can't even think about anything to write.

" Aren't you going to your date ?"
" Yeah, I'm just left with this last minute article." He scribble the lines again that he wrote in the past few minutes. He can't fetch his mind back and concentrate on this article.

" Jimin must be having problems with Haru alone then in the open."
" Haru is with him ?" Now, fully throwing the article away he turns to Taehyung.

" Yeah. I've to go check on the thing that you asked for, it should be done in an hour so me and gguk will bring it to your house. So I declined Jimin on the offer of baby sitting Haru." It'd be the first time that Jimin is out with Haru alone. Just thinking about them being alone made his wolf growl in inconvenience, he have this sudden urge to run to them.

" Hmm seeing the time right now he might be already on your meeting spot. You should hurry up your work." Before Taehyung could say another word Yoongi drives back to the article. In order to go to Jimin he have to complete this article first.


Jimin was currently sitting outside their meeting spot. It's the first time he's out there with Haru alone, so he's a little nervous about it.
" Haru ah, are you enjoying being outside ?" He had dressed him up in one of the jumpsuit that he got in the baby shower. Well, he can dress Haru up in anything and he'd still look the cutest. Till now, approximately 5 or 7 people have stopped to play with him. He's surely an attention catcher.

" Your dad said he'll be a little late, so be the good boy you're and don't cause any trouble for your papa." Yoongi has called him earlier and told him he'll be there in a little while.

" Aren't you a good boy." He boops Haru's nose making the little baby giggle. He really likes it when Jimin play his with little nose.
" You're papa's good boy." Rubbing circles on Haru's cheeks, it made his giggles even more intensified, not being able to resist a big smile himself.

" I see you're having fun, Jimin." The voice from behind said.
" Oh, look we have a little Jimin here too."


Ahh, few more updates and then this book will come to an end. I'll miss writing it 🤧😭

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