On her way back Francesca went to her home in a sort of ecstasy frenzy. How would Nicole react after realising she had just sat in a table having brekfast with her ex who is now with one of her old friends? Often people say how small the world is. Sitting in her garden bench with a strong cup of tea and her favourite blanket, she was even considering how credible would be to had this to her story line? Should she keep her original story or simply unveil this story the way she was now living it? She decided to take some more hours to herlself. After calling Auntie Georgia and agreeing for a lunch for tomorrow she quickly texted nicole: - Hi Nicole, I will be taking longer than planned today. Please have some food, I will pick you up later on and take you out for dinner to compensate for the wait. I promise will be worth it. I miss you already... Don't be getting mad. I have something I need to work on. Even though she haven't got no answer from Nicole, she knew she would be ok. She could now deposit all of her focus and attention into the grey laptop on her desk, where she had planned to finish her cuppa of tea, which seemed to allow for her words to quickly slip through her fingers, in a easy and pleasurable flow. ***
-Hello?! -Hi Ava, it's Nicole... -Nicole? -Something happened, I am in the hospital... Can you please come here? -What? What happened? Me? Have you told your girlfriend? -Please Ava... Really need you here... - OK, OK, Text me the name of the hospital. I will see you soon. Something in Nicole's voice let her know she was truly freightened. Must be serious or so she thought. She wouldn't simply ask for help, but why was she not calling Francesca? Straight after she turned off the phone Marina asked with a concerned voice: -Was that Nicole? The ex nicole? What's going on? -Yes, she didn't said what happened she just beeged for me to go and see her. Sounded serious... -Are you sure? Is this not one of her schemes to bring you closer to her again? You know how she is... -I know but, sounded different Marina... -Sooo... yoou are going? -Yes, I think I should... Don't be mad, I have no interest on coming back to her. It is not that.... -I understand. Do you want me to go with you? -Better not, you two never worked very well together. I will go and comeback as soon as I know what is going on. Just stay here.- Ava suggested so that she could quickly return to Marina's arms. -Ok, I will wait here. Let me know how it goes. Hope she is ok. - She said, just before kissing her gently, living in her lips the memory of who was eagerly waitting for her at home.
*** Deep breath in... Deep breath out.... This was certainly the most strange day Ava could recall, just after the day she dreamed she was fighting with a very powerful and reach minion to only follow up with an interview with a strangely small man. Not necessary to say, she didn't got the job. It was almost like anything could happen during this day.
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You could immediatly see the difference in the hospital. Only private hospitals are like that, so open and clear. Almost like an hotel with such beautiful clean turquoise sofas in the waitting room and an actual beautiful giant aquarium in the middle of the room. Ava wasn't able not to think to herlsef that she wouldn't mind a week in this hospital. There was a meditation relaxing feeling to the waitting room. After meeting the strangly nice women in the reception, she was quickly shown to Nicole's room- Of course a room just for herself with a private toilet and a beautiful view for the hospital park, covered in all different flowers, creating this colourful pattern that brought the hospital to life. -Hi...- Ava said not knowing what else would be appropriate for this moment. -Hey, come in . No need to stay at the door. I won't bite. -Won't you? Never know with you. -Don't be like that... -Like what? What do you expect after everything? I really don't understand why din't you call Francesca or your dad... -What? How do you even know her name? Have you been stalking us? - Oh my god. You know what? I am leaving. I shouldn't have come. Hope you get.... -No, no... stop. - Nicole interrupted her. - You don't understand, this seems serious... - So don't come to me with an atitude.. Have you called your dad? or your girlfriend? - You know how he is. He is always busy. Probably is me... just being silly. For sure won't be nothing. Just stay with me, the time will go faster. - Alright, do you want to tell me what happened at least? - Ava said while walking to the leather chair near the bed. -After Nicole left home, I stayed in bed. I had the TV on and was just relaxing. After that, I don't recall anything. I only know I have waken in the floor of the kitchen. I didn't knew what to do and I haven't been feeling very well recently. When I called my doctor he said I should come in straight away. He said he would like to do a head scan as it looks like I have fainted so I could have knocked my head. -You don't remember nothing at all? That is strange. -I just didn't thought would be nothing serious enough to be coming to the hospital. I had better plans for today, even though Francesca dump me, she normally doesn't take this long to come back from her saturday morning walks... - Yoou already know her routines? That seems promising. Anyway, for sure is just a precotion, the doctor will know best. Although, i am sure your dad and your girlfriend would like to know. -I don't like to make a full of myself. You know that... I am sure he will come back say that everything is ok and i will be home before anyone even notice. - Ok, I am just going to ask when do we expect to have the results of this scans then?- Ava said so she could have a chance to quickly text francesca and Marina.