Chapter 5

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It finally felt like Fall in Miami with the slight breeze in the November air. Camila surely likes the humidity of the city but taking walks in this temperature isn't so bad either. Especially if they're with her mom, son, and new puppy, Tarzan.

There's a cemetery around the corner of their street which is perfect for casual walks. The calmness brings Camila peace on the weekends when she can finally take time for herself.

"Mommy, Tarzan is too fast!" Jason complains as he's practically being dragged by the puppy. Tarzan is growing like a weed and only after a month is he almost as big as Jason.

"You have to keep walking him, bud," Camila tells him, earning a laugh from her mother,

"Reminds me so much of you when you were his age," Sinu smirks.

Camila told her son that if he started doing chores like walking the dog or loading the dishwasher, he can earn something he'd like. Not so much as cash just yet since he's only almost 5 but a toy or dessert.

In this case, his mother promised him ice cream as long as he walked the dog during their stroll through the cemetery.

This is also what Camila's father used to do with her. It taught her about hard work and dedication even at a young age. Since then, she's used her upbringing to help raise Jason in her own way. As well as Shawn's of course.

"Slow down, Tarzan!" Jason struggles with the excited canine while Sinu watches carefully, biting back a laugh.

Camila makes sure she doesn't miss any of the puppy's droppings but doesn't fail to spot a familiar side profile to her left. "Mija," her mother also recognizes the standing individual looking down at a particular tombstone. Someone looking awfully like the girl her daughter used to date. "Is that...?"

"I think so," the younger woman breathes with a harsh swallow.

"Go over there," Sinu nudges, smirking at her daughter whose face is now flushed.

"Mami," Camila drags her feet only because of the embarrassment her mom has made her feel. But she decides to do so anyway.

Lauren can only hear the crunching of the red leaves as her eyes are closed, taking in the moment she is sharing with the spirit of her grandmother.

When she opens her eyes and is graced with Camila's presence she has to blink a few times to register whether or not she's just seeing things she wants to see. "Hey, Lauren," Camila begins with a soft grin.

"Hey... Camila, what brings you here?" Lauren replies casually, hands shoved in the pockets of her jacket.

"Just taking a walk with my mom and Jason," the teacher gestures to where her mother gives Lauren a wave and kind smile. "We live right around the corner there so we walk here often."

Lauren returns the same. "Oh, nice to see them again."

"Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt your time. Just thought I'd say hi," Camila takes a step back, not wanting to intrude on something that's probably really private.

"Oh, not a problem at all. I sometimes just come here for guidance from the spirit of my ancestors. Like Abuelita here," Lauren beams proudly at the headstone that read her late grandmother's name. "Especially whenever I need to make big decisions."

"Oh, like what?" Camila asks but then mentally curses. "Sorry, that might be personal. You don't have to answer that."

"Same old Camz and her endless amount of questions," Lauren releases a chuckle, still finding it cute how Camila is a bit on the nosey side. Not intrusive or anything she's just curious about things.

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