Prologue (Part II)

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Senior year

"I just had the best sex of my life last night," Veronica Iglesias throws herself against the gym lockers, dreaming of the hot, steamy intimacy she shared with whom she's convinced is the love of her life.

Keana and Camila give each other looks and shake their heads, beyond annoyed at the cheerleader. And it wasn't even 7 am yet.

The top five have before-school meetings/conditioning that start at 6 in the morning every other school day. So waking up at 5:00 on a Friday just to be too tired to do anything that night really put a damper on the most popular kids in school.

"Oh my god. With who?" Normani questions, smirking.

Vero checks and makes sure no one's listening before whispering, "Lauren Jauregui."

"That one girl with the dick?" the darker-skinned girl's eyes widen in shock.

Normani Kordei Hamilton was just recently inducted into the top five right after Keana (#3) after transferring all the way from Houston. She's known as one of the best teen gymnasts (and cheerleaders) in the country and was personally asked to finish her senior year at one of the best high schools for cheer—East Miami High. It was a no brainer. That move also just earned her a spot on the Navarro College cheer squad for next year.

"Yeah," Vero giggles softly, feeling her cheeks heat up at the erotic memories of when Lauren came over to her house and made passionate love to her. Granted, the green-eyed girl was very much crossfaded.

And really, Vero believed only Normani would care about her sex life and well, she wasn't wrong. Nobody else gave a shit when the topic was brought up but the newer girl obviously had to play nice for now.

It wasn't even like Vero went about bragging about her body count either, but she did get around and finally got her wish of sleeping with Lauren. Finally. After so many times of Lauren rejecting getting into bed with her.

Sure, they made out a number of times since the end of Junior year and Lauren accepted a nice, quick blowjob. But when Vero tried to take it to a further level, Lauren wouldn't allow it for some reason. She liked the cheerleader a lot but did she want to go all the way with her, knowing very well Vero would catch feelings?

The green eyes eventually gave up in the end due to Vero's desperation and decided to only fuck the number two cheerleader only if she was both high and drunk out of her mind.

Probably not the wisest decision. Especially not when she vomited a few minutes after they finished.

"You know, I think she really likes me," Vero says furthermore. "She did things to me that no one else has before. It was a special moment and hopefully, she sees me as someone special, too."

Little does she know Camila can hear every word of this. The number one cheerleader or "head bitch" listens attentively after quietly saying goodbye to Keana. And boy, did she regret it.

Yes, Camila is the number one cheerleader. She's the head bitch of not only the squad but of the entire high school. All the power rests in her hands and all the students surrender at her feet. No one is worthy of such a queen.

Even though that's total bullshit to the Cuban-Mexican brunette. She doesn't see herself as the greatest of all. Yeah, she's a leader and has the confidence to take the squad to the next level with her direction, but does she think she's any better than anyone else? Never. She's of course still a learner as she learns just as many things from her squad as they learn from her. She's always been humble and always will be.

It does feel nice getting to run the practices, but she never takes it too far. She's highly encouraging but not pushy, authoritative but not bossy, and never, ever a bully. Not even to the babies (freshmen cheerleaders). She reminds Lauren to tell her if she starts getting a big head and is being a bitch. She despises the title "head bitch" just for that reason.

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