Chapter 6

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"What do you mean?" Lauren looks back between Dinah and Cami. "No, I-I don't know. I have no idea why Jason appears to look so much like me."

Lauren tries to seem unbothered, eating her food and shrugging it off. Just because she owns her own business and has a lot of money, doesn't mean she has all the answers in the world. In fact, there were still plenty of things out there she had no knowledge of. Starting with this.

"You sure about that?" Dinah asks.

"Yes, DJ," she huffs, slamming her fork down. "I literally just met the kid not that long ago. We share similar features... I'm just as surprised and curious about it as you are."

"Just saying... the last time you slept with Camila was five years ago. You slept with another girl around the same time and impregnate her. She gives you Olivia. All while Camila conceives a child with 'Shawn' within the same month or so. However, that kid looks so much more like you," Dinah explains, only frustrating Lauren more.

"Goddammit," she swears under her breath and buries her head in her hands.

Cami rubs her girlfriend's back. "I'm sorry, baby, but Dinah's right. This is something to be concerned about. And I hate to say this... I really do... but... isn't it strange that Olivia doesn't share very many similar features as you? At least physical-"

"Fuck, you don't think I know that?!" That's all it takes for Lauren to snap, moving away from her and getting up from the table.

"Lauren, please."

"I can't fucking deal with this right now. I'm too fucking busy," she storms out of the dining room to head to her own bedroom.

"Shit," Cami just sits there with regret. She pushed Lauren too far as the latter was clearly not ready to hear something like that.

Obviously, the CEO knew she and her daughter weren't a spitting image of each other. Hell, Olivia's hair was growing blonder with each passing year; a genetic trait that must come from her biological father's family.

But did Lauren have any clue as to why she couldn't pick out a single thing they shared in common? No. Why? Because she's been lied to from the start. Ever since she first found out about Olivia being conceived.

"Babe?" Knocks are heard on Lauren's bedroom door.


Cami steps inside since it isn't locked. "Baby..."

"I don't know what you and Dinah want from me. I don't have all the answers to everything," she mutters into her pillow as she lays on top of the comforter.

"We know that, Lo. We know that you're in the dark, too. I'm sorry for pestering you but I can't help but wonder," Cami sits on the edge of the bed and places a hand on her back.

Lauren turns to face her girlfriend, not being able to ever stay mad at her. Surely they may get annoyed with each other and have arguments here and there but just like now, they talk it out as quickly as they can.

"I love you, baby," she says softly, appreciating that her girl is so loving and caring. She is so lucky. "Thank you for caring."

"I always will," Cami tells her, leaning in closer for their lips to meet.

Clearly, this situation couldn't be ignored, meaning Lauren was going to have to get to the bottom of it. And she was going to have to be prepared to find out some things she just didn't expect.


The next school day that Lauren is able to take Olivia to school starts out like it usually does. Mother and daughter walk hand in hand like the adorable duo they are, but only to become confused when they see Jason in the classroom without his mother.

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