Chapter 3

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"Good morning, beautiful family." Lauren is first to greet Cami, Dinah and Olivia all sat at the dining room table for breakfast. She had run a few minutes behind schedule due to checking countless emails pouring in, even on a Sunday.

But after all, she's the boss and she has a business to run.

"Good morning," her girlfriend smiles and softly blushes at the term "family." It was always pleasing to hear Lauren refer to her as part of the family. Hopefully one day they could have a child of their own to add to it.

Lauren kisses her daughter on the head before kissing Cami on the cheek. "No kiss for me?" Dinah notices and frowns.

The three of them laugh. "DJ, even if I tried you'd push me away."


The head of the household sits down in front of a plate of potato and zucchini frittata--one of her favorites that Dinah likes to make on Sundays.

"Mama, were you and Cami watching a game last night?" Olivia asks, making the women confused.

"What do you mean, Mija? We weren't watching a game," Lauren frowns and shakes her head at her girlfriend.

"No," she also frowns.

"But you and Cami were cheering and clapping," the little girl persists.

Both of their faces drop as well as Dinah's. "...W-we what?" Lauren stutters with her heart in her stomach.

"I thought you were watching a football game. And saying bad words," Olivia innocently says, not understanding of the weird looks from the older women.

Lauren and Camila look at each other; images of last night flashing back in their minds. There was definitely a lot of yelling and cursing but purely out of the pleasure and profound sensation from the events taken place. And there was indeed clapping but definitely not with their hands.

"Uh... yes, you know what, honey?" Lauren scratches the back of her neck. "We um... Cami and I were watching something like that but it wasn't a game. It was... a... um-"

"A concert," Cami quickly saves. Dinah and Lauren look at her in surprise.

"Right... a concert. A Beyoncé concert," Lauren adds and Olivia looks down at her food.

"Ooh, which one?!" Dinah blurts out with excitement, earning looks from the other two women. "What? I wanna know! Was it the one at Coachella?"

Rolling her eyes, "Yes. It was Homecoming... on Netflix," the CEO replies as if she was truthful.

"Oh my god, that was so iconic," the nanny sighs, reminiscing. "I remember it like it was yesterday."

"You were there in-person?" Cami asks.

"I haven't missed a Coachella in five years," Dinah smirks. "Well... except for this year obviously. So, I guess I did lose my streak."

"It's okay, DJ. I'll get you tickets for next year," Lauren smiles at her sympathetically. "How about we all go together next year?" she suggests to her girlfriend as well.

"Me too?" her little girl asks hopefully.

"Not you, Peanut. Grown-ups only," the mother frowns at her.

"Aww. Why not?" she pouts and whines.

"It's just for adults," she shrugs.

"Hey, Livvy, how about we take you to Disney instead? You'll have much more fun there," Cami says to her kindly. "There's one in California, too."

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