Chapter 2

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It's a glorious summer day at Lauren's home on Miami Beach. Everyone seems to be out and about on the private little island where her nearly $20M house sits. Especially her girlfriend and best friend as they hang by the pool, waiting for the owner to finally arrive.

Lauren got caught up at the office much longer than usual since they're still so busy catching up from the virus. But now it's the weekend and she can relax with her friends and family. That is until tomorrow when she has to go to her class reunion.

Camila looks up to see her girlfriend come down the steps to the poolside. "Well, well, well, it's about time you show up," she grins as she finishes making them all piña coladas at the outside bar.

"Hey, you," Lauren treads over to kiss her, already dressed in her swimsuit and cover.

"Made your favorite," Camila hands her the cocktail in a tulip glass.

"And your specialty," the CEO happily took it, tasting the sweet coconut cream and rum. She was always a sucker for her girlfriend's cocktails. She just had a special talent.

Camila hands one to Dinah as well who sits in the shallow end of the pool. "Definitely need this right now," she thanks her and takes a long sip from the straw.

"So, how was your day, hard work?" the dark-haired woman takes a seat on one of the poolside chairs.

"Long to say the least," Lauren sits on the one next to her before taking another sip from her drink. "I wasn't expecting to be there so late when I got there so early. Again." The company owner has been going in about two hours earlier than normal and returning home nearly three hours later. And yeah, she would have to clock extra hours sometimes seeing as how she's the boss but it was pretty much every day at this point.

"I know. You look so tired," Camila gives her a sympathetic pout as she's witnessed how much overtime Lauren has put in lately. "But luckily, we have the whole weekend to relax and catch up," she smiles, leaning back into the chair.

"I love the weekends. So stress-free. Until Little Jauregui comes over on Sundays and tires me the hell out," Dinah sighs contently while basking in the hot Miami sun.

Lauren laughs lightly and shakes her head. "Remember this weekend's different though, DJ. I got my reunion tomorrow night."

Camila's joyful grin slowly falters. "Oh... that was this weekend?"

"Yeah. Dinah's watching Olivia here while Vero and I are out." Lauren puts her shades on and leans further back to start tanning.

Camila nods, unsure of what to do for a moment. "Well... I guess I can hang out with her here, too," she suggests.

"You don't want to see your friends? I thought you only had just a few more weeks before going back to Vancouver?" Lauren questions her as her eyes are still closed.

"I do but I thought it was just going to be me and you tomorrow night," she quietly says.

"It will be, babe," Lauren lowers her shades to look at her. "I just gotta go to this one thing and I'll be back before the end of the night. It's not gonna be late."

"I'll wait up for you," Cami sweetly coos and her girlfriend smirks. "Do you know what you're wearing?"

"I was gonna ask you to help me with that," Lauren replies. There's no doubt she's fully capable of dressing herself due to her tasteful sense of fashion. She never dared to miss a fashion week. But her girlfriend had a nice style as well and valued her opinion a lot.

"Ooh! Can I help too?!" Dinah also doesn't let that go past her.

"Why of course you can, DJ," her boss graciously smiles.

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