Chapter 11

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To say the least, Dinah had been successful in throwing another rager. The party was in full swing already by 10 PM and there was no slowing down any time soon. All of her closest friends and then some were in attendance, obviously including the owner of the house herself.

Lauren had gone and picked Camila up from her house with the fullest of nerves. It was their first date after reconciling so it was kind of a big deal. Once Camila walked down those steps in a yellow sundress, it was all over for the CEO. She almost fell to her knees at the beautiful goddess.  

"Lauren, you're staring," Camila giggles as she approaches said girl.

"And I'm not sorry about it," Lauren smirks back, taking her hand and pulling her in close.

They both start staring now, taking each other in until Alejandro is heard, clearing his throat. 

"You two off to a party?" he asks sternly. Camila just rolls her eyes.

"Papa, we're not teenagers anymore. We're responsible adults," she steps toward him and holds his hands. "You can relax. It's just at Lauren's house anyway."

"My... roommate is throwing it. Don't worry, nothing crazy is going to happen," the CEO assures him somewhat nervously. Okay, very nervously.

"Alright... you take care of her. No drunk driving," he eyes Lauren seriously. 

"Absolutely, sir," she nods and Camila takes her hand next. 

They say their final goodbyes and leave together, chatting the whole way to the mansion. Camila raves about how she dropped their kids off at Mike and Clara's house this time as Lauren was caught up at work. That alone made the CEO's heart beat fast as it actually felt like they were real a family. 

But once they arrive, apparently word got around fast that Lauren was single and on the market. Girls were throwing themselves at her left and right which quickly distracted her from Camila. However, Lauren tried hard to ignore them and focused her attention and energy on the girl who mattered most.

It's not until they sit around the fire when they can finally have that private time. They get lost in conversation all over again, causing some stares from fellow guests and the host herself. 

"And just like that, they fall back in love," Dinah smirks at her friend who shakes her head at the sight of Camren.

"Not yet... they're getting there," Ally corrects her.

"Trust me, it'll be fast."

Soon enough, Dinah is slipping a condom into Lauren's hand, "discreetly," earning a slap to the arm. 

"Oh, come on! I know you're thinking about it!"

Lauren scowls. "I mean... I am, but not so soon. This is our first date for crying out loud."

"Since when does that mean anything anymore?" the housekeeper sends her a look.

"We don't all just fuck on the first date, DJ," Lauren grabs the drinks from the bartender. "Unless she wants to, then I'm all for it." She heads off back toward Camila, leaving behind a smirking Dinah.

"Thank you," the brunette happily takes it once Lauren is seated. 

Camila takes a small sip and shivers at the subtle breeze that hits her shoulders. Lauren doesn't fail to notice. 

"Are you cold?" she frowns. 

"Just a little," the teacher grows shy and falls short of breath once she sees Lauren take off her own jacket and place it over her shoulders.

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