Chapter 4

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"Baby, I'm home!" Camila walks through the door of her house with little Jason running inside as well. "Went to the store and got your favorite chips!"

"Thanks, babe!" Shawn finishes his fourth beer and sets it on the coffee table as he and his best friend play their video game.

It's Shawn's day off, meaning it's his day to sit around on his ass and do absolutely nothing. Not even clean up after himself.

"Daddy, can I play?" his son asks in a pleading tone.

"Not right now, bud," Shawn replies back, eyes glued to the TV as he and Charlie shoot zombies.

"Here, babe," Camila enters the living room with the bag only to furrow her brows at the horrific sight. "Jeez, why's it look like you've been living on the couch for three days? It's only been eight hours." She scans the pizza boxes, open chip bags, soda, and beer cans all over the ground.

"Yes, more chips," he gets up for a quick second and takes the bag from his wife's hands and sits back on the couch.

"Thanks again," Charlie says, digging into the cool ranch Doritos.

"...No problem," she cringes at the mess. "You better clean this up soon though. You too, Charlie." God, I sound like his mother, she thinks to herself, rolling her eyes.

"We will, Mila," Charlie smiles.

Sometimes it's like Shawn hasn't exactly grown up even for a 23-year-old. Camila reminds him to do things like wash the dishes, give Jason a bath, throw dirty clothes in the hamper, and most of all... put the damn toilet seat down.

It's not all the time, just on occasion, but Camila doesn't love to have to do it over and over. He's a grown man. It wouldn't kill him to notice things like this and give his wife a break for once.

"Aye, what's for dinner, babe?" Shawn asks from the couch, still snacking on the chips.

"I don't know. What do you want?" Camila handles the rest of the groceries on the counter since it's not like her husband will help out.

"Dude, I could go for some tacos right now," Charlie inputs.

"Tacos sound amazing," Shawn also agrees. "Babe, can we get some tacos?!"

"...We sure can," her eyes widen at the fact that Charlie will indeed be joining them at the table. Again, it's not like this happens often but when it does, it's a headache.

She gets out the ground beef, thankful she had just picked it up from the store and the soft and hard shells to prepare. "Can I help, Mommy?" Jason pads into the kitchen after being denied the game by his dad.

"Why I would love that, my sweet little man," Camila lights up at her son's politeness. At least she's raising a good boy.

They go ahead and cook the meat together, having a fun time laughing and singing during the process. Jason loves it when Camila sings to him as she's always had a beautiful voice. Beautiful enough for her to pursue a music career but she doesn't think she has what it takes. Although she never fails to cherish these kinds of moments with her little boy since she knows they won't last forever.

"This is delicious, Camila... and Jason," Charlie is first to compliment the meal after biting into one of the tacos.

"Thank you, Charlie," Camila smiles and nudges her son's shoulder.

"Thank you," he also replies.

"Yeah, this is so good, you guys. Thank you for this," Shawn then says to his family.

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