Chapter 12

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Over the next few weeks of Summer, Lauren and Camila gradually fell into a comfortable routine. Camila and Jason moved into Lauren's second home--the one Vero was occupying since the incident--however, they really have just stayed over at the CEO's main house most of the time. Nowadays, Lauren gets to see Jason almost every day as he sleeps over whenever Camila does. 

Recently, Lauren and the kids taught Camila how to ride a bike and once she had it down, they took a family bike ride around the beach. They've been doing that quite often these days, getting ice cream on the way home. It's been nice and fun for the kids as well. Not only because they get to ride their bikes and eat ice cream but see Lauren and Camila unite as a happy couple. They haven't really seen such a thing. At least in a long time. So, it's good for both of them to see these two as parents in their eyes who they can go to for anything. 

During one particular ice cream outing, curiosity got the best of Olivia the more they've all been hanging out. "Mama, is Jason my brother?" she asks as she's always known Lauren to be her mother by blood.

The couple looks at each other worriedly. Was now the time to tell them?

"Because Jason's been living with us now?" the little girl furthers her question.

Camila cracks a smile which causes Lauren to fidget in her seat. "Well, he doesn't exactly live with us, baby, but he is over a lot," she tells her.

Jason starts to frown since he himself pretty much thought he lived with them. Camila practically lives with them too as they spend the night at least four nights out of the week. 

"But um... to tell you the truth..." Camila looks down to take hold of her girlfriend's hand, squeezing it to let her know she's right there with her. "To tell you both the truth... Jason is your brother. Because I'm Jason's mom. Just like how I'm your mom."

And it's true since eventually, Olivia will officially be Lauren's daughter in the legal sense. The CEO is so close to completing the process of adoption and soon enough, Olivia and Jason will be actual siblings.

Camila nods with a bright smile, side hugging Lauren after the revelation. Jason looks between them and becomes confused even more. "I thought you were my mommy," he points to the mother he's always known, being Camila.

"I am, honey. But Lolo is your mommy, too," she clarifies, leaning on her girlfriend's shoulder. "Come here, baby." Jason gets down from his seat and goes over to the other side to sit on Camila's lap. "Lolo and I had you when we were very young. But we had you out of love. We both love you so very much and nothing in this world will ever change that."

"Not Daddy?" he asks as what he thought he always knew wasn't the same. He can't even remember the last time he's seen his "father" and truthfully, he was starting to believe he may never again.

"Daddy was not your daddy," Camila explains, shaking her head. "He just pretended to be your daddy and he's gone now and won't be coming back."

Jason bites his lip, trying to process everything at once. Well, that explains him not seeing Shawn for several months. He really is not coming back. 

"Listen, bud," Lauren begins, "I don't expect for you to call me 'Mom' or 'Mama' or whatever... but I just want you to know that you're my son and I love you. I love you and your mom so very much and I will do anything and everything for you."

Jason can finally smile as things start to make a little more sense. He ends up jumping into Lauren's arms next, throwing those tiny arms around his mother's neck. Camila has to look away as she gets choked up at the fact that Lauren admitted to loving her. She knew Lauren loves their son but she can't help but explode everytime her girlfriend insinuates her love for her, too.

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