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At first I couldn't understand why everyone was so taken by the new girl. But this was before I met her. I thought because I of course am the Honourable Daisy Wells after all, 𝗺𝘆 school wouldn't be changed in the slightest for her.

We had arrived home to a warm welcome (at least from Kitty and Beanie, Lavinia pretended to be annoyed but was truly happy) along with some surprises.

After some observations I noticed Beanie had grown tremendously since the last time we saw her, Lavinia had also changed and Kitty couldn't wait to tell us about her new boyfriend. We had also come to find out, while Hazel and I had been in Hong Kong and London, my absence had been filled by Amina El Maghrabi. She had everyone in the school wrapped around her finger it seemed. Kitty was babbling on about how wonderful and glamorous Amina was... I wouldn't hear anymore. Not only had my friends changed but the school?

It couldn't be that different right?.....

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