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Later on the ship...

Amina and I spend some time in her her cabin talking until it's time for dinner. I neaten my dress before checking my hair. "Ready to go m'lady?" Amina grins at me holding out her arm to link. I smile at her turning pink before linking my arm with hers "How kind of you" I laugh. We stride arm in arm before reaching Hazel and the boys sitting at the same table as lunch.

Hazel's eyes light up when she realises what she's looking at. She shoots a grin at Alexander although he still hasn't noticed anything different. "Where were you two for so long?" George smirks at me as if he saw right through my façade the whole time. "I was teaching Daisy about Egypt" Amina says not missing a beat. I sit next to Hazel with Amina on my right. "How spiffing!" Alexander joins in completely convinced by Amina's lie, I truly wonder how that boy is a detective.

We all finish our dinner and are walking back to our rooms when I over hear Hazel telling George to pay up. Interested I move closer to listen in on their conversation when I realise they had a bet on Amina and I this whole trip. "Excuse me, Watson did you have a wager with George over Amina and I?" I exclaim. How on earth could I not have known about this bet? "It was really only for a bun" George explains. "Trust me Daisy we won't say anything to anyone but I can't promise I won't tease about seeing you all soft" George continues.

I look at Hazel in betrayal before Amina lays a hand on my arm and I'm washed of all my worries. "Well Watson I have to say I'm proud of you for being so articulate." Hazel laughs lightly at me before giving me a rare but reassuring hug. I have to admit it felt surprisingly good to be so true to my emotions for once. I have Amina to thank for that.

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