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(A/N This is from Hazel's p.o.v.)

I was walking through the corridors of Deepdean after school, searching for Daisy, when I heard a strange sound coming from the airing cupboard.

I walked towards it in a moment of curiosity then I thought "maybe I should leave it" but then my detective senses were tingling and I wanted to know.

I closed my hand around the cold metal door knob and twisted it revealing two girls on the cupboard floor giggling. "Amina shushhhh" I caught sight of them before going into shock. Daisy and.....Amina?. I backed away blushing but Daisy jumped to her feet.

"Hazel...I..me um Amina... we were just talking!" Daisy whispered frantically trying to shield Amina from my view. Daisy and Amina? I thought Daisy hated Amina. "Daisy you know i don't care about that but why wouldn't you tell me? I'm your best friend" I stepped into the cupboard closing the door, as not to be seen by any girls or mistresses.

"I just didn't think you would want to know" Daisy's cheeks were gone a deep pink colour. She reached down and pulled Amina daintily to her feet.

I hadn't properly looked at Amina but now I did I could see her eyes were shining with tears. "Oh gosh Amina are you quite alright" Daisy was wiping the gentle tears from Amina's cheek. "I'm sorry I just don't want anyone knowing about.....you know" "It's ok, Hazel won't tell anyone. Will you Watson?" Daisy's electric blue eyes were pleading silently.

"Of course not" I said with a small smile. Why was Daisy keeping this from me? Well I know now. "Thank you" Amina was hugging me, my shoulder damp from her tears, I patted her back reassuring her that it's perfectly fine with me.

"Well if your alright Amina we should get going before old clementine gets worried where you are gone off to" Daisy was smiling slightly. I could see how much she loved Amina even from that few seconds.

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