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On the ship

How could Hazel invite the boys and not tell me?! I do not know what she sees in Alexander, his arms are too long and he's simply not smart enough for my Watson. Amina's arms are of perfect length, of course, and she's almost as genius as I am.

I wasn't too bothered when I saw George was with Alexander, he's alright. Not quite as smart as me but tolerable.

I looked at Hazel with a quizzical eyebrow raise "Do you mind explaining?" She was blushing so much as she always does. "I did try to tell you! In school I tried so many times to say but you shut me down" I thought back, did she say anything? Then I realised her nonsense babbling about Alexander were her attempts at telling me he was coming. "Well we are all on the ship it's too late"

Hazel and I got changed into our sun dresses, me in a pale blue dress with my sun hat and Hazel in a lovely yellow dress. "Let's go" I grabbed her hand as I rushed out of our cabin to the saloon for lunch with the boys and Amina.

The boys and Amina are sat at a large round table with lunch already served. Hazel sits beside Alexander while I look for a seat.

"Hey Daisy" Amina was leaning back into her chair grinning at Hazel and I. Amina is wearing a white sun dress which suits her perfectly, which I mean any functioning human would see course!

"Finally we can eat" Alexander exclaims picking up his knife and fork with his much too long arms. I have no idea what Watson sees in him but then again no boy will ever be good enough for my Hazel.

I slide into a seat beside Amina trying not to redden as she smiles at me. "How did you sleep?" Amina asks me "gr-goo-great good very good" I stumble through the words, bright pink with embarrassment. It's as if Amina knew I would be a blithering idiot when spoken to by her. "That's good" Amina says turning to Hazel "It's so wonderful isn't, all of us together on a cruise down the Nile" "It truly is" Hazel blushed looking at Alexander, who turned quite red. Thank god he's gotten over that silly crush on me, it was most infuriating.

We finished our lunch and as I was going to leave the saloon with Hazel I felt someone grab my hand. I whip around to see Amina "Can I talk to you?" Why on earth did she want to speak with me? "Of course, are you alright?" I ask as Amina starts to pull me down the corridor towards what I can only guess is her cabin. She turns to see my confused expression "For more privacy you know" Amina explains. I looked back at Hazel who was giggling at me with raised eyebrows, I shrugged at her.

"So what did you want to talk about?" We were in Amina's cabin, I was trying to read her expression but she was just smiling shyly. She looked so pretty even just standing there "I have something I want to tell you..." She said this barely audible, my heart sped up as I stuttered "Oh ok...what is it?" "Daisy... I like you" Amina was on the verge of tears, her eyes welling up "and it's more than a pash, I like you like Romeo and Juliet but I don't want a Romeo, I want you as my Juliet. I completely understand if you don't feel the same I just had to tell you". The world feels like it's spinning as I process all her words carefully before answering. Amina stares at the plush carpet of the cabin like her life depends on it.

"Amina look at me" I say calmly, placing a comforting hand on her face. " Why do you think I came to Egypt? Why do you think I try so hard to avoid conversation with you? It's because I feel if I get the chance I will say too much and I'll let you know how much I truly like you". I am definitely never letting Hazel hear that I said anything so sweet.

Amina sniffles as she wipes her remaining tears "Do you really mean that?" She whispers. "Amina you are my Juliet" I say gazing into her glassy brown eyes, only she could look perfectly put together with tear stains trailing down her face. Suddenly Amina raises on the tip of her feet to kiss my lips. Although shocked I muster enough thought to kiss her back.

All the fireworks in the world couldn't amount to how I felt in that moment.

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