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I tried to conceal my excitement for the trip to Egypt but Hazel could see through my front.

"Did you hear Amina invited Daisy and I on a holiday to Cairo?" Hazel has smirking, she has grown intensely bold recently. "Oooo how exciting" Beanie was sweet. "Daisy with Amina? you're joking" Kitty and Lavinia were laughing because you see to others I look like I hate Amina whereas truly....well you know, no further explanation.

"I have put aside my hatred for Amina on this occasion" my cheeks felt heated but I hid the blush as a sign of anger instead. "It's a chance to see Egypt and I won't pass on it"

"You dislike Amina almost as much as I dislike Binny!" Kitty was recovered from her short of breath "Daisy you're even turning red just talking about it".

I wasn't going to listen to their rambling for any longer "come along Hazel we have things to discuss" I announce exiting hand in hand with Hazel.

"Are you quite alright?" Hazel's face was filled with worry "I'm completely fine just no need to discuss the matter any further" I was determined to change the topic to anything but Amina.

"Oh about the trip I wanted to tel-" "Watson I don't think we should keep talking about this" This was too much.

"But Daisy I mean Alex-" "no Hazel let's just talk about something different"

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