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(From Amina's P.O.V.)

Clementine and I walked into the dining hall and as usual I handed of my things to the Mary's. I quite like Deepdean, it's different to my last school in Egypt. I was looking forward to the anniversary gala as Mama and Baba were going to be there.

Clem and I walked over to our table and I caught sight of a girl sitting at the other dorms table. She had long silky, blonde hair and she was staring right at me. I was slightly startled by the piercing blue stare but looked right back at her and smiled. Her pinks turned slightly pink and she rolled her eyes before turning away. "That's Daisy Wells" Clementine said to me following my gaze "She's quite full of herself, have I told you about Fallingford?" but I wasn't really paying attention to her words.

Daisy's friends were still staring at me and I saw there was an oriental girl among them. She had dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I smiled at her since it was nice to have someone else different among the English community. I hadn't seen her or Daisy before but was going try be their friend. Then Clementine pulled me to our table making me snap out of my thoughts.

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