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(This is from Hazel's p.o.v.)

I'll be honest, I had some slight suspicions about Daisy's secret. I feel I should have known all along with her acting differently around certain girls.

Around Martita and Amina she would get all flustered and jumpy, I thought this was definitely out of the ordinary for Daisy but brushed it of for a while until I noticed some very subtle indications.

When she told me her secret I was taken aback that she thought I would shun her for it but I would love her no matter what as she is my best friend "The Honourable" Daisy Wells. She suits Amina a lot because they both look like fairy tale princesses and both just as smart as each other.

But back to the little signs of her and Amina!

I was sitting at the fourth form dining table with Daisy and the rest of our dorm and the other dorm from our form. It was just a normal dinner with everyone chatting until my detective senses were calling to be used, I wondered why on earth this could be but noticed Daisy beside me was holding a small scrap of paper in her hand. I watched her neatly slip it into her skirt pocket before returning to her dinner with a slight smile.

I looked at her in disbelief. Who was that from? What did it say? I will find out after dinner I told myself. But then I had a thought and looked up to see Amina sitting straight in front of Daisy looking awfully pleased with herself

It struck me. Daisy and Amina... ohhhhhhh I had almost forgotten what i saw in the airing cupboard quite a bit ago. I was still curious about the note so when it was time for us to leave the dining hall I grabbed Daisy and rushed into our dorm room.

"Show me it" I blurted the words out in anticipation "Show you what Watson?" Daisy was laughing slightly at my expression "the note, show me the note." Daisy looked at me as if I had something frightful, she gasped for words "wha-a-a-at ever do you mean Hazel I shall tell you i've no idea what you're talking about!" "Daisy I know Amina gave you a note at Dinner, can you please tell me what it says pleaseeeeeeeee i'm very interested in your love life" I was smirking now at her horror but she gave in"oh alright fine if you insist... Amina has invited me for a picnic on the roof tonight." She was smiling at the thought "but don't tell anyone that or i will have you punished for betrayal."

See now this is quite hilarious, Daisy Wells the girl who despised love, IN LOVE!!
Then we heard a Kitty and Beanie crashing back towards the dorm followed by a stomping Lavinia.

I think Kitty and Beanie have something going on if you get me but that's a whole different story.

I think i'd better leave it here,
Hazel :)

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