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Sometimes deep in the night when everyone was asleep, I would climb to the rooftop of House. The cold chill of the night didn't really bother me as I was completely immersed in my thoughts. It was a nice night with the moon at it's full shape shining down on the roof then suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. It wasn't Hazel, I could tell... "Amina?"

I turned to see Amina behind me holding a blanket and book. "Oh hi, I didn't know you would be up here" She looked lovely in the moonlight...it's not like I like Amina though?!. "What are you doing" I asked her "well you know it's really peaceful and quiet up here...and didn't want to wake anyone up" she replied blushing. "oh right" I didn't know what to say. I could feel my face starting to burn with embarrassment. Amina walked over carefully and sat down beside me "and why are you up here Daisy" She poked me playfully. "I like the quiet" I was thinking about Lavinia's snoring "It's so beautiful tonight....look at those stars, they look like a heart" Amina said lying back on the tiles.

I looked up to the sky, it was truly beautiful. I looked over at Amina to see her watching me with a small smile "what?" I asked thinking there was something wrong "nothing" she laughed "you're just really pretty" I stared at her in shock...i think she was flirting with me (That's what Kitty calls it). It was nice with Amina, I could honestly sit with her looking upon the stars for hours.

"This is nice" Amina whispered "It is" I agreed "would you like to meet here again sometime" She said shyly. Hanging out with Amina again??!! Who wouldn't want to "Em yes..sure.. yeah ok" i couldn't seem to find the words. She smiled and looked back up at the stars before getting up slowly.

"I think we should go back to our dorms before anyone notices we're gone" Amina laughed "oh yes that would be suspicious" I laughed along with her before we parted ways, climbing down the drain and slipping back into our dorms.

I smiled to myself as I climbed into my bed.

best night ever!

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