𝟏𝟒 - 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥

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I got a bad idea

How 'bout we take a little bit of time away?


(Y/N) wasn't stuck in suffocating, glass cell anymore. She was so grateful towards Dark for taking her out of there. She didn't know if she could take it anymore.

Jim ran through the big house with the other Jim, carrying a microphone as they follow (Y/N) wandering around the mansion. Jim looked into the camera the other Jim was holding, "Jim, there appears to be a girl with cooties in Dark's mansion!"

She came upon Dark chilling in the indoor pool. He noticed her, a smirk etching his face suddenly, "Do you care to join me, darling?"

(Y/N) giggled, nodding. Dark snapped his fingers and turned her clothes into a one-piece bathing suit, the luxurious nylon hugging her (B/T) body. In Dark's eyes, she had always been ravishing and beautiful. This piece of cloth didn't change his opinion of her.

She jumped into the pool, splashing water on his frail ego. (Y/N) loved to swim because it felt as if she was free in the blue waters. Free to do anything. Free to not be tied to her boring life in the real world.

(Y/N) swam over to Dark, sitting on the seat that was attached to the wall of the pool. She beamed at him, admiring how hot he was when he was shirtless and drenched in wet water. It felt oddly sexual to her.

He turned to her, looking at her chest, then back into her eyes, "What are you attracted to, (Y/N)?"

Her thoughts lingered over the peculiar question she was asked. She usually dated soft guys and girls that had a dark side to their gentle exterior. "My tastes range from cinnamon rolls and cinnamon rolls that are emo to straight-up murder." (Y/N)'s soft voice said.

Dark became silent. "And where do I fall?" He asked with curiosity.

(Y/N) thought about it for a second, "You're in the grey area."

Dark grew silent again and (Y/N) winked at him. He scoffed teasingly, "No more puns, please."

She winked again, "Can't promise anything!"


As the day went on, the Jim's followed (Y/N), and Dark spending time with each other in the enchanted, mysterious mansion.

"As you can see Jim, Dark is holding (Y/N)'s hand! I repeat! They are holding hands. Viewers, this is huge, as Dark is the coldest of the egos!"


"Jim! Jim! (Y/N) is taking a shit!"

(Y/N) screamed as the Jim's pointed the camera at her coochie.

Stomps were heard as the Jim's ran for the life, "Jim's! Get the fuck out of here before I erase Mark's viewers any memories of you!"

"Oh fuck we have to get outta here, Jim!" Jim yelled as he ran out of the mansion with the other Jim.


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