Chapter 14

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First Alex storms off and leaves me to deal with guilt, then due to circumstances I had to show off my poor cooking skills to Leo and now, my dad shows up unexpectedly looking like a spy from am action filled movie. Just to be sure, I've only been there for probably an hour and this much has happened.

Not that we were doing anything bad or something but we both awkwardly froze after I let out the word 'Dad' and for seconds, we stood there like statues, not moving a single muscle. We weren't too close, there was at least a three feet distance between us which was safe enough to not be mistaken as whatever it is dad thought was going on. Whatever, no form of explanation could wipe that look off my father's face.

Even if he was here when it all started, he'd still go all protective and give a million reasons why I was either too young for romance, how having a boyfriend is a terrible idea or how the boy in question was bad news. Either ways, he just didn't like the idea of me ever having a love life.

Obviously, I could see he only had a frozen smile on his face because he wouldn't want Leo to get all uncomfortable but I saw through it like like thin glass.

"Why are you here?"

"Well, I texted you I was at the airport but you didn't reply, then I drove to the house to find you and I was told you were here"

"Yeah, and I'm here because?"

"Um" He paused and thought about it for a few seconds, stroking his chin and looking at anywhere but me. "Something about a date, I guess"


"That's it, I guess you're here on a date"

Oh my goodness.

At the age of eighteen, I couldn't go on a date and be sure I wouldn't have my father at the doorstep just a few hours into it. It's not even a date but if it was, why would he show up? I'm an adult, well not fully grown, but at least, I had the opportunity to see whoever I wanted to and he decided to ruin whatever was going on by showing up.

I could bet he drove himself all the way here a second after he heard the word 'date'.

Thank God mom was pregnant, she would've followed and made things even more awkward. Not just because I'd have both my parents here but also because she'd stare at us and 'aww' at every single thing we do.

"Look" He paused "I'm only looking out for you"

"I'll give you two a minute to yourselves. Call me if you need anything." Leo smiled and took off his apron. He didn't look mad or upset, just this smile on his face that looked like he was about to burst out laughing.

Dad walked further into the kitchen, holding unto the hem of his blazer and once again, looking at everything but me. His usual try-to-get-away-from-trouble attitude. It was one of those moments when I wished I had normal parents, like the one in movies where the teenager doesn't appreciate their love even when it's obvious it's the one thing she always needed.

"What in the world are you doing here dad?"

"Language, young lady_"

"What language? You know what? Doesn't matter and It's young woman now" I corrected "I'm eighteen and I can use those words whenever I want to"

"No, you can't_"

"You're just trying to change the topic" I cut him off "I see what you're trying to do"

"Then I guess I don't have to explain anymore" He turned to face the counter "Were you guys going to cook?"

"That doesn't matter, what matters is why I have my father ruining this for no reason at all"

"Come on sweetheart, I didn't ruin it. You can totally go on with the date"

"Oh, you're leaving?" I said with high hopes. "It can be better if you leave now. Don't worry, I'll be at home in like an hour or two"

"Nope, not without you"

"What do you mean not without me? I came here by myself"

"No, you didn't. You came here with a driver and two other cars as escorts."

"Well duh, it's not like you'd let me go with an uber"

"The point is, I'm here to take you home with me and in a few minutes if I might add, we have a lot to talk about and I have to fly back to New York tomorrow_"

"You could've just saved the time and energy by calling me, you know."

"I think I prefer talking to you in person. Besides, it's been years since I saw my cute little marshmallow" He extended his hand to grab my cheeks like he did whenever I got mad at him and he wanted to ease the tension. He'd been doing it for years and it never worked but for a weird reason, he didn't seem to get the hint.

Before his hands got closer, I took a step back "You're going to ruin my make up the same way you just ruined this day"

"And since when did you start caring about make up?"

"Since when you and mom forced me into the world of perfection"

"Maybe she was right when she said France would change you"

"No, she wasn't. I'm still the same old Christina, just with a more annoying dad"

"Well, the last time I checked, you hated make up cause in your words, it takes valuable time and still wouldn't make you comfortable. Take a look at yourself, your face looks all covered up. Plus, you're wearing a dress and heels if I might add. Your hair isn't in its usual ponytail a_ oh my goodness, did you cut your hair?!"

"Took you long enough"

"Who did this to you?" He said in worry, his eyebrows furrowed as he touched my hair. "Sweetheart, why would you do this to yourself?"

"I didn't cut it, it usually looks shorter when you curl it"

"A few days here and you have a different hair length now?"

"I got it done the first day I got here, how didn't you see it when we facetimed?"

"I don't k_"

"Whatever dad, I need you to leave right now. I'll be back home before eleven, okay?"

"Eleven? That_"

"Stay away from my room, my refrigerator and my food"

"Look, I'm the dad here and you'll do whatever I say. I'm not trying to be mean or something but you have to understand we have a lot to talk about and I need to leave tomorrow morning cause your mom's due in a few days"

"What in the world am I meant to tell him? That I had to leave to go talk to my daddy?"

"Oh please, be a little mature about this. You can just tell him you have to leave cause you forgot to turn off the television"

"I have staffs dad and so does he, everyone here knows they'll turn it off if I don't. Besides, it's not like it's gonna explode if I leave it on for so long"

"How about this, you have to leave to go pet your cat"

"He knows I don't have a cat or any pets at all"

"Which reminds me, why do you hate pets so much?"

"I can barely take care of myself, how in the world am I going to take care of a pet?"

He stopped for a few seconds and brought his hand up to his chin. Even with the fact he looked serious and determined, I could bet on my candy pot he was going to say something stupid. "Oh, here's a good one. How about you tell him you forgot to feed your goldfish?"

"How about I meet you in the car in five minutes?"


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