Chapter 32

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Christina King

"Really Kyle? This is your idea of fun?"

Lifeless figures as tall as twice my height, ancient pictures and objects from I don't know when. There were so many of them, I could not count. Right from the entrance, I figured out the whole thing would result to a complete disappointment. There was this robot wax figure thingy that waved in the creepiest way it could. It scared me even with the sun illuminating the room, I could only wonder how it would be at night. That was the first hint and from there, things only went worse. There were more of them inside, just like I expected and our walk further only confirmed my assumptions.

I wasn't supposed to be there. I didn't make a decision to bring myself all the way to a building dedicated wax figures. It was the idea of Kyle, which by the way, never informed me this was the big surprise he was talking about. Honestly, I was thinking it was going to be an ice cream shop or something. In fact, I would've preferred it if he just took me to the mall.

"You're the first person I've ever brought here since I found my passion for art"

"And when did you find this passion?"


"It's not a passion, it's a phase. I can't believe you brought me to a place you just found yesterday"

"I promise you'll be interested if you just spend ten more minutes. Give me a chance to show you the world of wax figures. You can't say this is completely boring, do you have any idea how cool it is to see an exact replica of yourself? And the best of it all, there's one of your dad here. His nose his kind of crooked but if y_"

"Say no more"

It's not like I had any other thing to do that day so down I went into a room of wax figures. I knew I would end up bored at the end but to satisfy Kyle and get a picture of dad's crooked nose, I took the opportunity. What's the worse that could probably happen? I would at last end up right where I started, in my house.

It took a second or less for Kyle to disappear. I could remember I heard him saying something but I didn't know what exactly he said. It could've helped caused there I was in the middle of tall figures with no idea where to go. I wasn't alarmed, seeing the place wasn't so big and I could easily find him and if I didn't want the stress, I'd text him to meet me outside.

I was a second away from taking a step when I heard the doorbell behind me. I originally thought it was the reception lady that oddly didn't like me but turning around, I was shocked to see someone else. No one would expect her to ever be in a place like it or at a time like this. Every single time I met this woman, she was either busy or walking away. I never spoke to her or gave her the tiniest bit of my attention. It was as if we just knew each other existed and even when there was quite an amount of things that linked us, we never spoke to each other.

I wanted to leave, everything in me pushed me to take a step further but at the same time, I wanted to know why she was there. The world didn't revolve around me and they were issues bigger than my life but it had to be that she was there for me. I mean, why would someone like her be in a place like this if it wasn't for a someone in it? Maybe someone that utterly destroyed her daughter's reputation and housed a man that did the same. That was the only logical reason she was there and it surprised me to see that the matter was actual bigger than I thought.

Yes, I knew it almost took Alex's life but If it didn't actually happen and things were back to normal then I guess it shouldn't be much of a problem anymore.

"Christina, you're here"

"I'm just as surprised as you are"

"Can I talk to you?"


"Meet me in my car, I'll be waiting"

That was all she said before she turned and left. A little too dismissive for my liking but it didn't matter cause there's no way in the world that I would go ahead and actually sit in the same car with her. Once again, I didn't know much about this woman or anything at all but that's exactly what makes it so dangerous. The words Leo said resurfaced in my mind. I truly was new to the whole thing and it wasn't just to Lucas alone. This woman could ruin me if she chose to and with no idea how to help myself, I might just fall into her trap. Besides, I had already caused a lot for her daughter in the past few days, she'd find it fair to do the exact same thing to me. I was worried about her doing something to cause me disgrace as well but then I thought, for her to do something like that, she would need me to actually do or say something. In my right mind, I wouldn't say something that would cause me disgrace and I had no secrets to hide so if I used to right words, I guess nothing bad would happen but still, I didn't trust her.

Without thinking twice, I decided I was going home but immediately I saw the white vehicle parked outside, I had second thoughts. Obviously, I was curious to know what she wanted to tell me. Her side of the story would also be pointless if there was nothing to back it up but it wouldn't hurt to hear what she had to say. Since I'd seen her come to me herself then she was just as desperate. After seconds of looking between her car and mine, I went to hers.

When I finally got in, I saw she was the only one in the vehicle and took a seat facing her. I had second thoughts by just sitting there in the silence and waiting for her to speak. There was a lot of consequences to what I did.

"I'm sure you know everything Lucas did while he worked for me"

"I've heard stories but no, I don't know what exactly happened"

"Christina, you realise I'm just looking out for you, don't you? I don't want anything affecting your stay here in France"

"Thanks for your care but I'm sure I can handle things on my own"

"You're only eighteen, they're a lot of things this wicked world can do to young girls like you. He almost destroyed every single thing I've worked for and I don't want the same to happen to you. Not when your dad isn't here to protect you"

"Once again, I really appreciate your care but I'm sure I can handle things on my own. I'll be careful and If he turns out to be who you say he is, I'll be sure not to let him spoil anything"

"Do you really think that I would leave everything I have to do just to sit here and feed you with lies?*

"I'm not saying you're lying to me, I just feel he has his side of the story too and he deserves to be listened to"

She was quiet for a few minutes and the car fell into a deafening silence. I didn't have anything to say so I sat there quietly and waited for her to say something. I had no idea what was going on in her mind or what she would say next but I was sure she wasn't happy with the reply I'd given her. She came thinking I would listen to her and I didn't want her upset but I was just being honest. There was a hint of anger in her face, it was obvious for a second or two before she covered it up with her usual neutral expression. I wish I could say something to help her feel better cause she too, like Leo, was just trying to help but there was absolutely nothing that would make me stop what I was doing.

"I'm sure your father wouldn't want the same thing happening to both his daughters"

What are you talking about? I'm my father's only child"

"That's what you think"

"I don't understand you"

"Alex is your father's daughter. Shocking, I know and believe it or not, I have enough proof against him. If you keep that man in your house, I promise I'll ruin your you, then your father and finally your entire family till there's nothing left of you"

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