Chapter 11

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Then it was my turn to face her, something I wish could've happened just a few hours later. At least after I posted the video footage on all my social media platforms so she would have to look at me with shame rather than the confidence she had on her face. I could've felt annoyed by her presence but I couldn't feel the tiniest bit of anger in me. All I had was happiness cause whatever I'd spend the day in was finally going to end and hopefully, I'd finally get out of the place.

Leo broke the silence by clearing his throat "Alex?"

"So why did you tell me to come over? For her? Are you kidding me?"

"I did this as an opportunity to help you both set your differences aside"

"This isn't two high school girls in front of a principal, we don't need to set out differences aside. So what you're saying is that I wasted my time all for her?"

Sometimes it's nice to see the way things are before the tables get turned and that's exactly what was unfolding right in front of me. I just thought of how things would be the moment that video gets out. Then I would be the one with the upper hand, definitely not going to say the stuff she was saying but at least, still with the upper hand.

"Alex can you please keep it down? This whole thing is for your good_"

"No, you're getting it all wrong. This whole thing is for her good, you think I'd get together with her just to go back and tell the world she's now a hood person? No way. Do you have any idea what she did to me yesterday?"

If it was up to me, I'd walk away. No words, no stress,no pressure, just a few steps and out I would be from the building. It was that easy but I didn't want to do the exact same thing I did that night. I was gradually beginning to see how much effort he truly was putting into this. Not just bechase he managed to put us in one position but the fact he was trying Hus best to remain calm with Alex did. I wouldn't take any of this.

I could just predict it, she was definitely going to try her best to make me look like the girl rhe media believed I was and probably make Leo hate me or whatever was in her head. The look on her face said it all and all I wished for at that moment was for one of us to leave for the other.

"Come on Alex, can't you see you're the only one complaining here?"

"Fine whatever, let's just get this over with" She paused, then her gaze once again met mine and lingered there for a few minutes. Almost like she was trying to communicate with me beneath the obviously fake smile on her face. It was like that for a few seconds before I found it extremely awkward and looked away. "So, how did this come to be? Did you plan this Leo or did she ask you for dinner first?"

Well, that's exactly what I expected.

"No, it's entirely my idea"

If Leo took longer than a second to reply, I just might've given a reply she'd murder me for. On the other hand, arguing with Alex was literally the most pointless thing to do. Not to talk of how immature and stupid it was. Literally, she was the last person I wanted to stress myself over. At least, not till I got the footage from Leo.Besides, It could end up getting extremely weird for him just standing there in between two women bickering over a topic so stupid in a time like this.

"Oh" She laughed "I didn't know that, I had the chefs make dinner for just both of us"

Great. I have to deal with all of this and still starve as well? I don't think I've ever experienced a day so good in my life.

"I told th_"

"Yeah, I know you did" She cut him off "But the food takes time to get prepared, doesn't it? How about we all sit here while the chefs to do their jobs."

"That sounds like a great idea" Leo gave her a dashing smile and led me to the sitting room. She was behind us during that time and I could feel eyes on my body throughout those seconds. "I'll take care of it" Leo whispered to me just when we were about to sit down. While Alex's heels clicked as she walked to the armchair next to us, he turned to me and gave me a smile again as if saying he was sorry. Knowing it wasn't his fault at all, I returned the smile with a slight nod and turned back to the problem next to me.

Whatever she wanted this to be or wherever it was heading to, It was totally predictable. She'd try to make me regret having dinner with Leo cause that's definitely what real adults do with their time. Trust me, I really could be the worst person on the planet and show her what the word mean really means but why go through all of that stress when you can zone out and have a wonderful dinner that hopefully had beef and cheese involved?

"Just to clear the tension in the air" Alex started "I'm really sorry for all that has happened since the party Christina, I had no idea the public would take the truth so seriously." I didn't know that was meant to be a joke till she laughed after she said it. I just sat there staring with no words to say. If I got the opportunity to choose to stay here or crawl my way back home, y'all know where I'd be.

I couldn't imagine how much of a loser I would've felt like if Leo didn't know the truth about that night. He could've believed I I truly had a bad personality and with no proof she started it, I would stay quiet with thoughts of murdering Alex with a steel chair in my head.

Just joking, you're too serious.

About the apology, it really didn't take Einstein to see it was fake and knowing her true intentions only made her a terrible actress. At least, to me and probably Leo too, if he had eyes to see it.

"Yeah whatever" I replied, sinking further into my seat and letting my eyelids cover half of my eyeballs in hopes to sleep after a few seconds.

"I'm also sorry for causing so much drama in your party Leo"

"That's in the past now Alex, there's no need to apologize"

"I hope you find space in you heart to forgive me Christina, I truly am sorry"

I just can't with this girl.

After long minutes of whatever was going on, it was finally time to eat. Leo sat on the first seat, right in the middle of Alex and I. She was sitting on a chair directly opposite mine and with every chance she got, made sure we made eye contact. I was usually the first to break it but for a reason I didn't understand, my eyes frequently met hers.

You know, when you're trying so hard to avoid something but you just can't.

I tried to zone out a couple of times but with no other option besides chewing on my polished nails and frequently looking at the second hand of the clock, I had to deal with her. The conversation was mostly about her apologizing and making herself look like the angel she truly wasn't. Periodically, Leo would give short replies like 'oh', 'great' or 'okay'. She could've figured out or at least noticed something was up with Leo's change in attitude.

Well, I guess we can now establish the fact she didn't think well.

Staring down at the dish before me, I could feel the edge of my lips twitching in the attempt to hide a smile. For the very few seconds before the dish was served, I felt like it was going to be all fancy and small with a weird kind of sauce on it and I'd be forced to eat it cause the rest would. Then once it was opened, I felt the aroma of steak hit me and finally, I felt happy even with Alex in the same room as I was. It was a little to small and had stuff on it I wasn't going to eat but it was progress from what I had to eat at home.

I was about to cut into the beef when I felt my phone vibrate. The screen came to life, showing the picture of aunt Kayla and mom during their trip to Egypt which wasn't my doing if I might add. I just didn't find the time to change it since a month before.

Anyways, right at the top was a notification from Instagram.

A message from Leo?

Dude, I'm right here in front of you, you could've at least_

Oh wait, it's the video.

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