Chapter 31

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Leonardo Aubert.

There wasn't much to know about Mrs Coleman besides her being very strict, disciplined and dismissive. My relationship with she and her family only existed because of Alex as she only had few people as friends. Ever since we were little, I never got a reason to speak to her for over five minutes. It was always the normal greetings which was something that only happened about once or twice in a month and sometimes, months would pass without me setting my eyes on her. Mrs Coleman had a very tight schedule, there wasn't a time she wasn't busy and every now and then, she would be in different countries. I usually wondered how much time she spent with her daughter and how Alex was coping with it but I later realised it was something both were used to.

Alex was being brought up to be an exact replica of her mother. Being the only child, she was to be the successor of every single thing her mother has worked for throughout the years and as she grew up, there were more and more things she had to do. I always felt the pressure on Alex was too much, ever since high school. She was only a sophomore when she started her career as a model and from then, things became difficult for her. There were quite an amount of rules she had to follow. There was a strict diet and sometimes she would go a whole day with just vegetables and water. Besides our uniform, there were specific clothes she was permitted to wear. It went on for a while before she started missing days in school. Sometimes, it would just be two or three times in a week and sometimes, she would go on a trip with her mother which usually lasted a week or more.

I guess it happened because of how many people she met but slowly, she started changing. The way she spoke, the way she reacted to things, her relationship with people everything was different. The things we considered normal became petty or low standard to her. Even then, my friendship with Alex didn't falter as I happened to be the only one she spoke to in the whole school. I knew there was something wrong and sometimes, I tried to bring it up but none of my efforts were successful. We graduated high school and within these few weeks of being at home, a lot of things happened which, of course, led to what occurred between she and Lucas.

I was surprised when Mrs Coleman invited me in for coffee. It was the first time I sat with her on the same table and with no idea why I was there, I maintained my silence till she spoke.

"Leonardo, it's been a while. How have you been?"


"Good, I have a meeting in the next few minutes so let's go straight to the point" She cut me off sharply "Christina was here yesterday, wasn't she?"

That was the only logical reason why she could've invited me. I immediately felt a sudden wave of discomfort. The topic was very delicate and I had to be careful so as not to say anything that could cause something serious. "Yes, she was"

"And you were present too?"


"I've heard Lucas works for her now. Am I correct?"

"Yes. I didn't know that till w_"

"Leo, you don't need to be afraid. I know none of this is your fault and I can assure you, I'm not going to force you into saying something you don't want to."

With no words to say, I gave her a small smile and looked down at the cup of black coffee which aroma filled my nostrils. I looked up again and saw her smiling down at me like a little child. She then proceeded to say "You do realise a lot of things can happen if he remains in Christina's house. Just a few days ago, she ruined the reputation of my daughter which, I'm sure, you know of. These are two people strongly against Alex, do I have a reason to worry?"

"I'm certain Christina wouldn't do any more to cause Alex pain"

"I can't be sure which is why I want him out of her house and you'd help me do that, wouldn't you?"

That was a favour too big for me to do. Christina was a stubborn strong headed young lady and would stop at nothing to find the truth. Getting him out of her house was once an idea that came into my mind but with what things had become, I knew it was something beyond my capacity. I couldn't make any promises or assure her I was going to do it. It would be me risking my relationship with Christina and also getting utterly embarrassed by her if I even dared to intervene.

Mrs Coleman was awaiting my reply. I could just tell from the way things looked that she was running out of patience while I, sat there and thought of the best way to say no. She was one of the people I didn't want to disappoint, mainly because she was the mother to one of my tightest friends.

"That's quite a favour you ask from me Mrs Coleman"

"I'm very sure Christina is a good friend of yours. Just press on a little more and she'll listen to you, I'm sure of it"

"Christina is more than you think she is. It doesn't look like she'd let go of this till she finds the truth"

"What truth? After all he did to Alex, what more does she need to know?"

"She's not sure which is the truth, our story or Lucas's and I've tried to make her believe it but she's determined to find it out herself"

She brought the mug up to her lips and took a sip from it before placing it back in front of her. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. She did not say anything after what I said. I was certain I had not said anything that wasn't truth or to paint Christina as a bad person but I was worried if she took any of what I said the wrong way. There were a lot of things Mrs Coleman could do to Christina in a snap of her fingers. I didn't want to think of them, else they would only make me worry more so before she said anything, I added "That's what anyone in her shoes would do for a man that has made her believe_"

"I understand you don't want me thinking she's a bad person and I assure you, that's the least of my thoughts now. As a matter of fact, I want him out of her house so the same thing would not repeat itself"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been in the world of fame for some time now and you do understand the things that could happen to young naive Christina. Obviously, she has no idea how it goes here or how much can happen if she keeps that man in her house. I wouldn't be surprised if I hear she ends up taking his side."

"I wouldn't let that happen"

"How? It's happening already and you're doing nothing about it. He's a manipulative young man and surprisingly very good at it. It's only a matter of days before she falls for his lies and ends up right where Alex did but you, you can end everything if you just find a way to get him out of her life."

I never thought of the severity of what could happen till then. Someone manipulative enough to turn Alex to what she became deserved a medal for it. Truly, there was much he could do if he stayed in her house. The thought of it made me uneasy. If anything happened to Christina at such a point in her life, she might not be able to take it as well as Alex did. She was about to put herself in a mess she would not be able to get out of and if it continued that way, her career would end even before it begins. There would be no hope for her here in France anymore or anywhere else as a matter of fact. For those reasons, I changed my mind and was ready to kick him out before things get worse.

"I know how much you care for Christina Leo, I can see it but there's nothing y_"

"I'll do it, I'll find a way to get him out of her life"

"Good, very good"

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