1: The First Goodbye

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** This is definitely more of a slow burn than I meant for it to be lololol. But Kakashi x Y/n are finally together now if you're just starting to read it.

Also, sorry I simp for so many Naruto characters & that definitely bled through in the first chapters. I couldn't help myself 😩**


"Itachi!" I yelled while chasing after him.

The moon was bright tonight, but since he was jumping through the trees, I didn't have the opportunity to use my shadows. There wasn't enough light.

The Nara clan's shadow technique was one of the greatest in the village, but I hated trying to battle at night. Even with my inheritance of the kekkei genkai, I would never be able to fight at full capacity in the darkness.

"Itachi, please!" I yelled again.

Suddenly, a masked man dropped onto the branch in front of me, the surprise causing me to lose my footing.

I dropped to the ground, landing on my feet, and the man quickly followed.

"Ah, hello my dear Y/n. What a treat it is to meet you."

I stood tall, ready to attack if necessary so that I could continue after Itachi.

"Move," I hissed.

I didn't know what it was, but the man in front of me caused a chill to go down my spine. I could feel his dark aura swirling around us.

I was only 13, but it didn't matter. Although I wasn't at Itachi's skill level, I wasn't too far behind him either. I had always followed in his footsteps. A year or so behind in all his promotions.

He became a chunin at 10, and I advanced at 11. He entered the Anbu at 11, and I joined him at 12. He was my captain when I joined, and now at 13, I had recently become a captain as well.

Needless to say, most shinobi, regardless of their age, didn't scare me. However, this masked man, he made me want to go running in the opposite direction.

"Don't touch her," I heard a familiar voice yell as footsteps approached us.

"Itachi!" I ran to him and wrapped him in my arms, completely forgetting about the stranger for a moment.

"Y/n. Why are you here?"

I broke away from him, "Itachi... Why didn't you tell me?"

Tears were beginning to form in my eyes. Itachi was everything to me. We were so much alike, and we had bonded over our similar lives.

Other than Shikamaru, my younger brother, Itachi was the most important person in the world to me.

We were young, but I knew it was love.

"This doesn't concern you," he said in a cold voice.

"Everything that happens with you concerns me."

"Itachi, aren't you going to introduce us?" the masked man called out.

"No. We're leaving."

He went to turn around but I grabbed him quickly, "I'm coming with you."

"You can't come where I'm going, Y/n."

"I don't care what you say," I shook my head.

"Oh Itachi, let her come. She could be quite valuable to us," the man called out.

"No!" Itachi turned to me with wild eyes. "Don't you see, Y/n. I have no future now."

Tears were rolling lightly down my face as I still tried to sound brave, "Itachi, without you, I have no future either. I'll go with you anywhere."

I saw his eyes widen just briefly with my words, "Y/n... Do you know what I've done?"

I did. I had already heard about it... He had murdered his entire clan. I didn't know why, but whatever happened, I knew it wasn't Itachi's choice. He would never do that voluntarily.

"Yes," I huffed out, grabbing his hand softly.

He whipped his head to the side as his eyes began to well up with tears, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I can't let you."

"I don't care what happened Itachi, you're not leaving me behind."

"I have to."

"And how do you plan on doing that!?"

He looked up with sad eyes, and I wanted nothing more than to hold him. Protect him from this dark and dreary world that had chewed him up and spit him out.

I didn't know who had done this to him. But I promised myself, I would make them pay for their actions.

"Itachi... Don't do this," I wanted to sound strong but it came out like I was begging him. Begging him not to leave me.

He began to walk away with the masked man following his lead.

"Itachi! Please... I-I love you."

He stopped suddenly, "I know, Y/n."

I had completely let my guard down. I wasn't thinking about fighting or chasing him. I only wanted to keep him by my side. Forever.

He quickly turned around, throwing a shuriken in my direction. I felt so broken, I didn't even bother to move and it cut me directly beneath my right eye.

As I mindlessly touched my new gash and looked at the blood, Itachi ran up to me, landing a sharp kick to the side of my head.

I dropped to the ground, stunned by his attack. Completely shattered from the inside, out.

I tried to force my eyes open as they became heavy, but they slowly started to droop closed.

I saw Itachi walk towards me, and as I was about to go unconscious, he crouched down to me.

He stroked a piece of hair out of my face and kissed me softly on the lips, "I love you too, Y/n."

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