24: Training Days

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**Kakashi POV**

Tsunade lost the bet.

Y/n didn't want to talk to me last night when I stopped by her house after she finished dinner with the students. And now we were going to be training Naruto together along with Yamato.

I waited at the fields with Naruto, and since the other two were late, decided to just get started.

Y/n was late to everything. Usually I was the one keeping people waiting, but now that I know what it actually feels like to be the one waiting, I see why people got so annoyed with me.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I tried to explain chakra natures and chakra forms to Naruto. He just wasn't getting it. If Y/n would just get here already, she'd do such a better job.

Kid didn't even know what chakra nature he was predisposed to...

I handed over a small piece of paper, watching as he tore it in half with his chakra.

"Alright, so we know your a wind style," I commented. Progress.

"Y/n-sensei!!" Naruto yelled out. "Guess what!?"

I turned to see her and Yamato approaching casually. She was in her usual training clothes, and it was probably my favorite look of hers. When her hair was pulled back and she was ready to to put in work. She was so beautiful and so intense at the same time.

She strolled over with her hands in her pockets. I couldn't help to let a small smile form across my
lips as I watched her. It was so obvious that Shikamaru got his unbothered and unfazed attitude from her.

"What's up, Naruto?" she smiled at him.

"My chakra's wind nature!!" he beamed out proudly. "I'm pretty much invincible!"

She laughed softly at him, "Every nature has a weakness, Naruto. Even still, I would agree that you're the closest one of us to being invincible."

His eyes grew wide with awe as she said that, "Really!? You think I could be you and Kakashi-sensei!!?"

She glanced over at me, a small smirk still on her lips, "I think by the end of this training you'll be able to hold your own for sure."

"Hell yea!!" he screamed out. "Y/n-sensei! Do the paper test thingy! What chakra nature do you have!?"

"You mind?" she held out her hand as she looked at me.

She was acting normal again this morning, so maybe I was in the clear after all.

Then again, knowing her, probably not.

"Sure," I mumbled as I handed her a small paper.

We all watched as the paper wrinkled and then crumbled. Plenty of shinobi could use more than one natures, but few of them were as equally skilled in them that the paper reacts to both natures.

"Whoa! What does that mean!?" Naruto asked.

"Lightning and Earth style," she replied. "It used to really be only Earth as my main nature, but now with black lighting, they're pretty equal."

Black lighting. I almost forgot about that. Her skill is absolutely insane, especially for her age.

"Black lightning?" Yamato asked. "Is that new?"

She shrugged, "More than a few years now at least."

"Can you do Kakashi-sensei's chidori too then!?"

I eyed her carefully. Could she? Probably, but I'd never seen it.

I let out a soft sigh as she did the chidori lightning jutsu... except hers was black, already making it more powerful than mine.

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