5: A Big Ego

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I slid backwards in a crouched position after deflecting Kakashi's last attack.

I stood up, my eyes never leaving his. I was starting to get really annoyed by his strikes.

I guess he's well-known for a reason... Time to start actually trying.

"Alright, Kakashi... You really want to do this?" I called out.

He gave me a small smirk.

I was wearing my usual black leggings and sandals with a tight, cropped long sleeve shirt. I had already started breaking a sweat from our sparring match as the sun beat down on us.

I wore my small, golden hoop earrings. Typically, the Nara clan only wore them as genin and chunin, but I loved them so much that I never took them off.

When I became an Anbu member, my parents got me a pair of gold ones to match my eyes. They were so excited about how proud I was to be a Nara.

I even got the Nara clan's symbol tattooed where my neck connected to my back. And, over the last 2 years of being gone, I had collected a few more tattoos as well.

I quickly took off my long sleeve and tossed it aside, leaving only my black sports bra. I threw my hair up, and felt the cool breeze hit the top of my neck.

Good, I can finally breathe...

I was used to training in as little fabric as possible because I hated the feeling of sweat-drenched clothes sticking to me.

But as I got myself ready to continue our fight, I noticed Kakashi's eyes starting to wander across my lightly glistening skin.

I was fairly tall, not super skinny and toned, but I was strong. A little more bustier and curvier than most kunoichi.

It made me insecure when I was young, but now as a woman, I embraced it fully. However, seeing Kakashi's slightly wandering gaze, I wished I had never removed my top layer.

Not to mention, my tattoos were now in plain view.

It was normal for Anbu members to get the small flame tattoo, which I had, but other than that, shinobi of the leaf hardly ever got them... And I had multiple.

I wasn't naive to how men looked at me nor that most people I met called me beautiful, but it still always caught me off guard.

I had only been with one man, Itachi. So when other guys showed me any kind of attention, I was usually a little flustered.

"You finally ready, Princess?" he called out.

I smirked. Yea, I was the next head of the Nara clan, but I hated being called Princess... You're going to regret that, Kakashi.

Time to show off a little.

I manipulated the shadows of the nearby trees, a special skill of my kekkei genkai.

I had only realized it about a year ago, but I could control the shadows of other objects as well.

I quickly wrapped them around Kakashi, squeezing him tightly and lifting him into the air.

I saw his eyes widen once he realized he was trapped.

"Come on, copy cat. Try to keep up," I called out while using the shadows to throw him up and then slam him back into the ground.

He took no time jumping back to his feet, "Looks like your kekkei genkai has gotten stronger since the Anbu."

I smirked. You have no idea.

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