20: So Many Questions

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I woke up with the sun shining through the hotel room window. It was bright daylight and not the soft morning glow I was used to waking up to.

How long had I slept?

"Good morning," my eyes snapped all the way open as memories of last night came flooding back to me. "Do you always sleep in this late?"

I rolled over slowly to look at the white-haired ninja who was sitting up in the bed reading his book.

"W-what time is it?" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes.

"Almost noon. So I guess I should've said good afternoon," he teased.

"Noon?!" I let out a loud groan. "You should've woke me up! Ugh, now we're already behind on this damn mission."

He shrugged, "I was thinking we could just stay the day in the village and leave tonight. We should probably travel when we can remain hidden anyway."

"Mm," I mumbled as I got up to go to the bathroom.
I brushed my teeth and washed my face, staring at myself in the mirror, trying to calm myself down.

Kakashi and I kissed.

Just breathe, Y/n. Be yourself. Don't get weird. What am I staying? Being myself means being awkward as hell. Great.

I walked back out into the room and noticed how he hadn't even glanced up from his book since I woke up. I got a glass of water from the small kitchenette before returning to the bed.

The room was small. There was a desk against one wall and a simple armchair that sat in between the bed and the compact cooking area.

I laid on my back as I got under the covers and stared at the ceiling. It was covered in watermarks that were bound to turn into dripping leaks any day now. I felt bad about it, but this place really was a dump.

After a few moments, Kakashi spoke up, "Are you doing ok?"

"Yea, fine. You should've brought me a book to read too."

He laughed, "I wasn't even going to bring you clothes, so I feel like you're asking for a lot."

"You weren't!?"

"No, your mom brought over the bag right before I left."

"I knew it," I muttered softly. "All my comfort clothes were packed."

"You have comfort clothes? What does that even mean."

"You know, like your go-to cozy clothes for when you feel sad or whatever... Do you not have those?"

"No. I'm a grown man, you know, an adult."

"You are?!" I teased loudly. "That's news to me." I shot him a small smirk.

He ignored my comment and had refocused his attention on reading. It was unlike him.

I wonder what he was thinking? Was he feeling nervous about yesterday too?

His mask was on this morning, so he wasn't ready for me to see his face. And that was fine with me.

I wasn't much of a pusher with more serious things like that. I usually just let people come to me when they were ready.

The Oldest Nara: Kakashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now