21: Confessions

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I swiftly sat up in the bed, waking up in a panic. The sheets were drenched in sweat and my heart was pounding in my chest.

I tried to take deep breaths as I pulled my knees closely to myself.

Another fucking nightmare...

I felt the tears come creeping back, but I didn't want them to. I forced myself out of the bed and turned on the lamp, realizing for the first time that Kakashi wasn't here.

He was supposed to wake me up and we were supposed to head out tonight to start tracking Sasuke and Orochimaru...

I sighed as I put on my shoes and went down for to the receptionist for a new set of sheets.

I didn't know if we were still leaving tonight or not, but if we were staying another night, I didn't want Kakashi to know I had a nightmare. And the sweat-soaked sheets would definitely give it away.

I walked back to the room and began to change the linens, taking my time in doing so. My entire body ached for some reason and my head was pounding.

Every time I had a nightmare it was like being back in Itachi's Tsukuyomi, and it had the same after-effects too. That genjutsu was so powerful it was actually terrifying...

"You're up," Kakashi called as he walked into the room.


"Did something happen?" he asked as he watched me switch out the last of the pillowcases.

I just shook my head as I finished.

"I brought dinner," he held up a couple bags.

I smiled softly, "Thanks. Um, I'm going to shower real quick, but I really appreciate it."

I locked the bathroom door and let myself cry freely underneath the warmth of the water. I had pretty much slept the entire day yet still felt utterly drained, mentally and physically.

I quickly changed and walked out into the hotel room. I would've stayed in the shower for much longer if Kakashi hadn't brought food back for me, but he did, and I didn't want to be rude.

He had pulled out the small desk and placed the chairs on either side of it. He was in the midst of placing the food onto the table where I assumed he wanted us to eat.

"Feeling better?" he asked.

"Yea, thanks."

He smiled a bit, "Has anyone ever told you you're a terrible liar?"

I couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, "Yea, I'm actually well aware."

"As long as you know," he smiled as he sat down.

I took the seat across from him and began to eat the food he got us.

"Thanks again for getting this," I said as I took another bite.

"It's no problem. I figured you'd be hungry."

I was in the midst of chewing when he took off his mask and started to eat his own food. The absolute
shock of seeing his face sent me into another coughing fit as I choked on my food.

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