9: Shippuden

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**Time Jump to start of Shippuden**

"Welcome back," Tsunade smiled at us. "Naruto, you've grown."

"Thanks granny!" he yelled.

I zoned out as he caught up with Tsunade and Sakura. I was exhausted and just wanted to go home and sleep. My parents had set me up with my own place, and I couldn't wait to be alone. I pretty much spent 24/7 with these two idiots.

Jiraiya and Naruto were honestly like father and son. I couldn't believe how similar they were, and it had only gotten worse after the last 2 and a half years.

"I'm having you two face an opponent to prove how much you've grown. Your ranking will be determined based on your performance," Tsunade explained as my ears perked up.

Hmm? That should be interesting... I wonder who they'll be up against.

Suddenly, her office door opened and I saw my favorite person walking through.

"Shikamaru!!!" I yelled and ran up to give him a hug. "Holy fuck you're so tall now!!!" I ruffled his hair up and laughed. I can't believe he's taller than me!

"Hey sis. Didn't realize you guys got back," he said lazily.

"Oi, you could at least pretend to be excited to see me," I huffed as I crossed my arms.

I looked over at the girl with blonde hair, "Hey, Temari. You two always seem to be together." I smirked at them. They both blushed a bit at my comment.

About 6 months after I left, I went to the Sand Village to watch the chunin exams. Shikamaru and Temari were responsible for it, and I really missed him. Plus, Jiraiya sent me on a mission to meet the new Kazekage, Gaara.

I had gotten to know Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro pretty well from that visit. But more importantly, I realized my brother had his first crush.

"Knock it off, Y/n," Shikamaru grumbled.

"Hey, what happened to the cute little kid who loved me and looked up to me!? I want him back!" I whined playfully.

"Shikamaru! Are you my opponent!?" Naruto interjected.

I looked at Shikamaru curiously. I hadn't even considered that.

"What opponent? I'm just here to drop off something to Lady Tsunade."

"What're you two working on?" I asked.

"We're planning the next Chunin exams," Temari explained.

"Chunin exams!? That really brings me back," Naruto smirked.

"Brings you back, huh?" I laughed. "Naru, you're not even a chunin yet!"

"She's right. And you're the last one in our grade to not be a chunin rank," Shikamaru teased.

"Wait what!?" Naruto screamed.

"Neji, Kankuro, and Temari even made jonin already."

"W-what about Gaara?" he asked, and I looked at him with confusion. Does he really never listen to anything me or Jiraiya say?

"He's the Kazekage..." Mar added.

"I see," Naruto said seriously. "That's great! I'm not about to be out done by him!"

I rolled my eyes as everyone else laughed a bit.

"Well, we better get going," Shikamaru announced. He turned to me, "I'm glad you're home."

I couldn't help but to smile and give him another huge hug, "Mar Mar!"

"You're such a drag," he huffed as he pushed me off of him.

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