28: Breaking News

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**this chap was hard for me to write... i don't talk to my parents so idk how normal ppl interact w their families lolll. sorry if it sucks.

also, a little trigger warning.

Kakashi's dad is mentioned. as a survivor of attempted suicide & having friends/family fall victim to their mental illness, i know it's a topic that can be easily triggered, so i wanted to warn you all.

thanks for reading. i love youuuuu ppl**


I slowly sat down at my usual place around the table, crossing my legs in front of me. My mom and dad sat across from us while Shikamaru took his spot next to me.

There was an uneasiness in the air as we all began to dish up our own food. The only sound being the small clinks of our chopsticks against each other or against the dishes.

My mom was the first one to break the silence, "So sweetie, how is Naruto's training coming along?"

"Mm, really well."

"Has your shadow binding been helpful?" my dad asked in an eager voice.

I took in a soft breath, deciding to just answer with a small nod. I didn't want to ignore him, but I really didn't want to talk to him casually either.

"It's pretty amazing to watch," Shikamaru chimed in. "Her markings expand around her and then reflect onto whoever she's focused on binding."

"Really? Is that new?" my mom asked.

"Yes, my kekkei genkai has developed a lot."

My dad looked at me with wide eyes, "What else have you been able to do?"

"Oh, um, well Jiraiya told me I'm not supposed to say anything to anyone. He instructed me to keep it hidden for now."

My dad glanced down at his food, a sadness taking over his face at my response. My mom quickly noticed and spoke up, "I'm sure he didn't mean your parents and family."

I shook my head, "I'm not sure what he meant. He didn't specify."

I was really trying to stay pissed at my dad. He deserved it. But at the same time, he's always been so quick to forgive me. And I held such a soft spot for my family.

"M-maybe we could train soon. I could show you some of it," I muttered out in a low voice, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

I felt like such a child sitting here, unable to even talk to my parents about what's actually been going on in my head or in my life.

My father's voice cracked softly as he spoke, "I would really enjoy that... Does that mean you've forgive me?"

Shikamaru instantly glanced over, clearly analyzing me and trying to determine just how I would respond.

"No," I mumbled out before looking at him. He was staring at me with intensity. "But we can work on it."

He nodded as he smiled softly, a visible look of relief on his face. My mom didn't look as pleased. She was so protective over my dad, as she should be, but that didn't mean I had to just forgive and forget.

It was silent again for a few moments, and it was getting dangerously close to being awkward and uncomfortable once again.

Shikamaru kept glancing over at me, making me feel uneasy. Eventually, he sneakily elbowed my side before gesturing with his head to my parents, his eyes going wide in the process.

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