29: 🍋

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**it's a lemon & some fluff, but you can skip without missing any of the story... i know lemons aren't for everyone, so just feel free to ignore if it's not your thing**


I walked home slowly, beyond disappointed with how tonight had gone. The sun was setting, and the sharp words of my family were replaying in my head.

I wasn't ready to go back to my apartment and be alone with these swirling thoughts, so I decided to take a small detour.

I entered the cemetery, but instead of my usual route, I made my way over to a section I have never visited previously. I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I looked at the engraved headstone.

Was I absolutely crazy to be here? I wasn't sure, but part of me felt like it was the right thing to do.

I decided to sit down, also something out of my normal routine, and crossed my legs.

"Hi Hatake-sama... Mr. Hatake... Sakumo..." I trailed off, not even sure how I would address Kakashi's dad since we had never met, or not that I remembered.

"I think we met when I was just born, or maybe a year or so after.. I'm not sure. I don't remember of course, but I think my dad mentioned it once. Anyway, I'm dating your son now if you can believe it."

I muttered to myself as I mindlessly picked at the grass in front of me. I didn't know quite why I was here. I just wanted Kakashi's dad to know our big news too, if he didn't already.

Plus, I just had this feeling that Sakumo would've been so much more supportive than my parents just were. Probably thrilled that we're in love.

Honestly, the way my parents acted, it was way out of line. I would never tell them this unless the situation spiraled out of control, but I would easily choose Kakashi over being the next clan leader.

I didn't need to lead the clan in order to be a contributing shinobi. I didn't need to lead in order to be of service to my clan or to the hokage.

Past of me would be happy to give up the title. Shikamaru would be way better at it than I could ever hope to be anyway.

I told Sakumo about how Kakashi and I first started this journey of ours, all those years ago. I told him about the first time I realized I loved him. And just how amazing of a man his son had grown up to be.

I know Sakumo would be so proud of him... I was proud of him. I was even more proud to be his girlfriend. He's the kind of man you only meet once in a lifetime. And he was mine.

As the evening turned to night, I figured I should head home. Once I stood, I brought my hands together, taking the time to make Sakumo a flower just as I had done with Rin on my first trip to the cemetery with Kakashi.

"For you. With any luck, you'll be my future father-in-law," I laughed to myself as I set down the flower.

The night was cool and clear, and the small breeze helped soothe my unsettled nerves. The trip to Sakumo's grave was nice, but I was still on edge. I just wanted to go home and crawl into bed.

I walked into my apartment, taking off my shoes before switching on the light. I was shocked to see my kitchen table fully set and food waiting out for me.

Kakashi strolled out of my bedroom, smirking a bit, "I was beginning to think you ran away again."

"What's all of this?"

The Oldest Nara: Kakashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now