3: Reunion

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***this is the MC I have in mind

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***this is the MC I have in mind. picture her how you want to, though. i will mention hair & eye color***

"T-the hokage is dead?" I asked in a low voice.

I looked up at Jiraiyah and Tsunade frantically, "B-but my father is ok? He was always by the Hokage's side..."

"Yes, your family is fine."

"Shikamaru is a chunin now!" Naruto yelled excitedly.

I smiled proudly and shook my head, "Of course he is."

"He's a lot like you, Y/n. Brilliant. Strong. A little lazy," Jiraiyah added, and I laughed loudly.

"I miss him so much," I mumbled.

"Y/n, you're coming back with us... Remember that fate I was telling you about? Well, I'm now the 5th hokage. And I'm dragging you back to the village if I have to," Tsunade demanded.

"I've been gone for just over 2 years now..."

When Itachi left, I stayed in the village for a few years. I tried to move on, tried to continue.

The Hokage gave me missions where I only had to work alone. Otherwise, I stayed with my family.

I didn't plan on being gone for so long... But like I said, I couldn't make myself go back.

"We heard about your disappearance... Your family was heartbroken. And since they're so close to the late Hokage, he asked a lot of us to search for you," Tsunade explained.

"Y/n, where have you been all this time?" Jiraiyah asked.

I sighed and closed my eyes, knowing that no one would understand, "I've been looking for Itachi."

"Itachi!? Why would you be looking for that guy?!" Naruto yelled.

I shook my head, "You didn't know him like I do..."

"He just tried to kill us a couple days ago!!"

"Here?!" I snapped my head up in confusion.

Jiraiyah laughed, "Don't look too excited."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm not. I just had no idea he was nearby."

"Why do you even want to see him?" Naruto huffed while crossing his arms.

Jiraiyah quickly interjected, "It's complicated, Naruto... I'm sure you'll understand someday."

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