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"Where are we?" Will groaned as his eyes adjusted to the light.

"Not sure." Jasmine sighed.

Will struggled to free himself from the ropes that bound his hands behind his back.

"Don't bother," Abigail said, "we've tried."

Will looked around and took in his environment. They were in what seemed to be a concrete room. The single light was dim and the air was cold and smelled of horseradish. He noticed that they were all tied to chairs lining the back wall of the cramped room.

He didn't know how long they had been there, but based on the empty feeling of hunger in his stomach, they must have been there for at least a day. The last thing he could remember was falling asleep in his bed back home. His parents, along with his aunts and uncles, had gone out, saying that they may not be back until a little past midnight. Thinking about his parents made him want to cry. He was a big 'mommas boy' and the most emotional in his family. Even Abigail and Jasmine we're braver than him. They were thrill-seekers like their parents, and sometimes he wished he could be more like them.

Suddenly, the door flung open revealing an older woman with blonde hair that had clearly been dyed. She wore a tight, faux leather jacket and pants with matching ankle boots.

The children stared at her outfit in confusion thinking that it must be very uncomfortable.

The woman smirked "Do you like my outfit?" she asked in a thick British accent "Faux leather is very in right now."

"Where are we?" Will asked softly.

"Don't worry about it. It won't matter in the end anyway," she told them with a phony smile that sent shivers down their spines.

"What do you want with us?!" Jasmine cried out.

The woman walked to the young girl slowly and sneered down at her.

"Revenge." she hissed "I want revenge."

"But we didn't do anything! We don't even know you!" Abigail told her.

"Exactly! There's so much you don't know. I hated your grandparents! Ruining my life, my marriage. And your dumb parents finished the job. There's so much your parents haven't told you. So much they never will tell you. Because by the end of the hour, you'll all be dead!"

The evil woman laughed an evil laugh as she strutted out of the room. She stopped in the doorway.

"Goodbye, children!" she said and threw a small glass bottle into the room.

The bottle broke as it hit the floor and the woman slammed the door shut.

The children watched as small spores floated out of the shattered bottle and filled the air as they began to cough.


That evil woman was often wrong about most things. For example, the children would not be dead by the end of the hour. Very sick, but not dead.
She was right about one thing though; there were a lot of things their parents hadn't told them, even though they had learned from experience that keeping secrets rarely ever have a positive outcome, especially if you're keeping secrets from your children.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, we'll get to the children eventually.

First, let's start with their parents...

Yay! First chapter! This might not make sense now, but it will eventually, I promise.

I know it's short, but hopefully, the others will be longer.

Also, I don't know how successful this is going to be, but trust me... if you just keep reading, you might like it. Or not... you might hate it. It might be the worst thing you've ever read. But I hope not.

I will probably update this on the weekends. Not necessarily every weekend, but when I do update, it will probably be on a Friday, Saturday, or (maybe) Sunday.

Thank you for your time.

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